
Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm Alive. And Other Random Thoughts.

I just realized I haven't blogged since Monday. That's a new first for me... missing a majority of the week. Truth be told, we haven't done anything spectacular this week, yet we've been so busy that I've barley had time to blog, much less sign on to the computer other than for business purposes.

I'm currently reading Crazy Love. It's really good so far (I'm only into it by 4 chapters). It makes my head hurt though. I tend to be one of those people who doesn't like to delve into deep theological discussions. I'd rather take the stance that I just go with what God says, try to love and follow Jesus with all of my heart, and not worry about the minute details. So I've had to read the book in chunks, taking time to process some of Chan's thoughts and then think about my own stance on things too. This is the first "deep" book I have read in a while, and it feels good to be back into things just a little. I feel like God is speaking to me in ways I can't really put on "paper" just yet. It will be good to process it through writing eventually. Until then, I encourage you to read Crazy Love if you haven't already.

Brayden has shown glimpses of his sweet side these past two weeks, which are like breaths of fresh air on my weary momma soul. He is becoming quite the comedian too, and always has me cracking up. Unfortunately since those moments tend to be when we're on the go, I forget them by the time we are home for me to write them down, so for now, you'll just have to take it from me that he is a funny guy.

I've gone about 4 days without giving Connor his reflux meds, and for the most part, he's handling it quite well. He still spits up like a champ, and has pretty much perfected missing himself and targeting Drew or I. Which is why I tell people I don't shower. It seems like a logical excuse, but really the reason is that Brayden screams anytime I put him in his room for even 5 minutes at a time if I am not with him, and generally Connor is napping during that time, and I'd much rather a rested infant and a non-screaming toddler than personal hygiene at this point, so my sanity wins out over looking like a well groomed  homemaker.

I spent a good portion of Thursday organizing all of Brayden's toys. I bought several plastic bins and organized by type of toy (cars, legos, train set, etc) and stacked them nicely in his closet. Now I can rotate bins throughout the day or week and not feel completely overwhelmed in the evenings during cleanup.

I brought Toby to the vet on Thursday as well. He is less than a fan of the vet, although he still thoroughly complies (he is probably my only compliant "child", haha!). The vet told me he needed his teeth cleaned. I am kind of feeling torn on what to do; while I don't want my dog to get terrible gingivitis or something like that, I just feel like $150 is a lot to spend on a dental cleaning. Do you get your dog's teeth cleaned?

We have a fun weekend planned-- it's Razorfest weekend, complete with the Red/White spring football game. I'm SO giddy to bring Brayden, since this year I feel like he'll really understand where we're at (he LOVES the Hogs and even moreso football, so it should be a big treat). AND one of my best friends is coming to visit with her family, so we'll have a full house! Should be lots of fun! Hope yall have a good weekend!