Friday, July 12, 2013


This is a bit late, but better late than never ;)

To finish out our fourth of July, Drew swung by the fireworks stand on the way home from our day at the lake and bought sparklers for the boys. Connor was a bit apprehensive, and preferred watching. Brayden on the other hand, was so excited to have "fire sticks" and ran through the road like a sugar addict in a candy store. Such a sweet memory burned into my mind as he galloped around waving the sparklers through the air.
I asked him what he was doing and he responded with "well, that fire smoke kind of stinks, so if I hold my nose like this I don't have to smell it." HILARIOUS.
The night of the third, we woke up Brayden to watch the fireworks, which I termed "fire crackers". Brayden looked at me inquisitively and said "firecrackers? Like, you can eat them?!" ha! Love how literal four year olds can be.

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