I'll be honest. I've cried my fair share of tears, had a few pity parties about how my house won't be the perfect picture that I have in my mind during Christmas season, and wondered when we'll catch a break. I've also laughed, because when you get past the emotions of everything, it's almost comical how everything has happened all at the same time. And thrown in the mixture of the tears and laughter is the realization that He has been faithful. We found a used dryer that is nicer than the one that is going out and only spent $150. Thank you God. God has shown His hand along the way of us traveling the path of insurance and water in your house and things breaking and stopping up an imploding. He is in the midst of it all. He is good, even in the midst of what seems like unbearable drama.
In the midst of everything, I realized a silver lining this morning as I was playing in our now empty playroom. I had perfect lighting and a perfect setting for a few indoor pictures of my babies. So thankful for the sweet reminder that even when it seems like everything all around me is coming unhinged, there is still so much to be grateful for.
If you're a local reader, I pray you and your family stay safe during this winter storm. We're hunkered down and enjoying the beauty of snow (and my boys are so excited about eating snow ice cream that they can hardly stand it).