When we were looking at hosting Thanksgiving at our house this year, I'll admit that I was a teeny bit concerned about logistics. I tend to be one who worries about the minute details, and try to plan for the worst so that I am mentally prepared to handle the hiccups. What I wasn't prepared for was the great laundry room flood of 2013. But let me back up.
People kind of raised their eyebrows at me for even thinking about hosting Thanksgiving. But you see, when you have an infant that thinks you're torturing them with 5 minutes of driving in a van, thinking about driving 12 hours with said infant seems a lot more hellacious than having 15 family members eating at your house. Plus, I have a pretty awesome family that is more than helpful with cooking and cleaning, so it was not as if I was taking up a burden alone.
So Wednesday came, as did my entire family. The hum in the house was great, and we were all excited to be together. I had menus created, food bought and plans laid out for the next 4 days of fun. But you know what they said about "the best laid plans..."...
It was a little after 10pm. We were all getting tired, but still had a bit of preparation to do for the meats, which we had forgotten to thaw the few days before. Drew had left both the turkey and the ham in the utility sink in our laundry room, which opens into the kitchen and hallway that leads to our Master bedroom. We were all talking, and Drew happened to walk into the laundry room. I won't quote anyone, because let's be honest... when you walk into a room that has a sink overflowing into the floor and hallway, those words should probably never be repeated. I'm thankful for so many family members being here, because everyone went into help mode, and grabbed towels, all of the stuff off of the floors and counter and went to work.
We realized it was bad when my sister, Megan, and I kneeled down on the wood flooring to soak up what we thought was a small trail of water in the hallway. As I pushed down, water came up from between the seams of the floors (we have laminate wood) and the edging of the walls. I'll be honest... I kind of went into a hysterical panic at that point because I realized this was not something that would just go away with lots of hands and a shop vac.
We quickly called a water restoration company. Bless that poor mans heart, he was at our house working with Drew until 2am getting things cleaned up and ready to dry. Unfortunately our laundry room also shares a wall with our Master bedroom closet, and so water also leaked into our closet. Thankfully it doesn't look like we'll have to replace the carpet, but because our wood flooring is laminate, it's toast.
The rest of our Thanksgiving went really well, and smoothly all things considered. Everyone was still able to find someone to sleep, even with Tyler and I displaced from the Master bedroom due to the flood. I was left grateful for homeowners insurance, which should cover most our expenses to fix everything. I'm trying to let go of some of my OCD tendencies; my house is a bit of a disaster right now, and may very well be that way for a few more weeks as we meet with adjusters and flooring people to get things fixed and sorted out. Because things were so chaotic, I took hardly any pictures, which is so unfortunately since our entire family was together for the first time since April. Here are a few I snapped during a few of my better mental moments.
My goal this week is to catch up on a few blog posts that are extremely belated (like say, Connor's birthday... OOPS). Hope everyone has a great week!
Jacob getting things into the garage once we cleared out the laundry room.
Drew and my dad starting the wood removal process.
I'll be ok if I never have to hear one of these fans ever again. They are SO. FREAKING. LOUD. And there were 4 of them, plus a ginormous dehumidifier in our room.
the boys played cards with Uncle Jacob.
my little niece, Zoe, was here. She didn't feel that hot most of the time she was here. But boy is she cute!
this is extremely grainy, but I love it. We had a bonfire at my Uncle Paul's house the day after Thanksgiving. Brayden was in his element. He's so stoic.
and poor Ty. He learned how to scoot everywhere, much to his 6 month old delight. Except sometimes scooting everywhere means you get stuck in awful predicaments that you just can't get out of. Bless his little heart.
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago