Saturday morning Drew took the boys to the healthclub so that I could focus on Tyler's room. Drew had pulled down all of the boy clothes from the past 3 years (I've saved pretty much every piece of clothing from both boys). I had to sort through all of it. At first I was excited about it. Then I got a bit overwhelmed. Can you see why?
This is a little less than half of the clothes. Little boy clothes are cute, but goodness. When it is truckloads full the cuteness wears off really fast ;)
Thankfully with an empty house an a bit of motivation, I was able to sort into the stuff I was going to sell (a lot of the stuff Connor wore as an infant won't work for Tyler because of seasons), give to Goodwill, and keep for Tyler. Now I'm on to cleaning. Also, it should be noted that Oxyclean is the most amazing stuff EVER. Some of the clothes I thought for sure Connor had ruined for good thanks to his awesome reflux, I soaked in Oxyclean and it all came out! Between that and when the Oxyclean took out all of the blood when he cut the tip of his finger off, I'm a fan of Oxyclean (fyi: I was not paid for saying this, I just truly believe in the product after seeing first hand how well it works).
Today we just had our typical Sunday family day. This morning when I finished getting ready, I walked into the kitchen to see Drew and the boys laying down watching Mr Rogers together:
We ate as a family at Sam's Club today after church. We needed several things from there so we just made a date of it. And that was pretty much our weekend :) Hope yall have had a fabulous weekend too!