Sorry for the brief sabbatical. Last week, on a whim, I decided to drive 12 hours by myself, with all three boys, to visit my family in Baton Rouge. The drive down exceeded my expectations, the visit with my family was great, and the drive back was brutal to say the least. Apparently we bat 50% with how Tyler will do in the car seat for 12 straight hours. Now I'm in the throws of our summer schedule, catching up on laundry and housework and sifting through massive amounts of pictures of the boys with their cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. In the meantime, here's a post I had thought I would have to time to post while I was down South :)
As if having the
last day of Preschool wasn't enough for one day, Brayden's Kindergarten assessment and graduation happened on the same day too. It was almost too much for this momma to handle ;)
On the way into the building for assessment, Brayden sheepishly told me "I'm not sure I'm going to like Kindergarten. There are going to be so many kids!" I feel for him... new situations always overwhelm me, and he's seemed to have inherited that trait to some extent. We're already praying that he will adjust well and that his new teacher this fall will be someone who creates a learning environment that Brayden will thrive in.
And for the record, he did great at assessment. The teachers all seemed really sweet, and even if there is a little apprehension involved, we both left the school pretty excited for August to get here.
Thankfully this year at graduation we had no stage fright, and he sang every single song that they were supposed to sing. He was so proud of himself in his cap and gown.
I could just die from the cuteness. Can he graduate every year until 12th grade? ;)
he got to help lead the prayer
I feel like this post wouldn't be complete without a picture of Ms. Amber. This is Brayden's first little crush, as evidenced by the GINORMOUS smile he's wearing ;)
We love Mrs. Debbie and Mrs. Angie! They have done such a good job preparing Brayden for Kindergarten.
We love you Brayden, and can't wait to see all of the places you'll go!