This was our first weekend that we haven't had anything on the agenda and it was JUST US... ahhhh... such a nice feeling! Not like we don't like our friends and family, but sometimes it's just nice to have a bit of family time.
The weekend started off great since we have found a way to rent movies for free. Just google "redbox discount codes" and you will come up with message board posts about different codes you can use to rent from redbox for FREE. AND, you can use different cards to use the same code. We watched 2 movies for free this weekend-- and we found a redbox even closer than Walmart, so we are THRILLED.
Saturday started off with a house fire down the street. I had gone out to put mail in the mailbox and noticed practically our entire city's law enforcement down the block. I had heard sirens, but didn't think much of it till I saw smoke coming out of a house. It turns out some of our white trash (I have people to back me up on the fact that this family is indeed white trash) neighbors left a lighter out and one of the 4 kids that live there got a hold of it and caught a mattress on fire. NICE. It also turns out that living conditions in the house were so horrid that all 4 children are now in custody of DHS. DOUBLE NICE. The lady that lives there told the news that her brother was cleaning his room out and that's why the house was in shambles... ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?!?! These people have 3 foot piles of garbage (literally, not just junk) on the side of their house that has probably been there for, oh I don't know, 2-3 years! The garbage problem has actually had Drew and I thinking that they may be drug dealers/makers/etc, but ofcourse, that's pure speculation combined with disgust whenever we see their yard and/or them (hygiene is not a top priority at their house).
Later Saturday morning, we drove around and found a few garage sales. Brayden needs a few more pieces of clothing and fortunately for us the LAST garage sale we hit had TONS of baby boy clothes. I got a bunch of name brand stuff for $1 a piece and some of it even had the tags still on! In the afternoon it was so pretty that we decided to take Toby down to the lake. Brayden was pretty sleepy, but I couldn't resist pulling him out of the stroller to try out the water. Every time I would put his feet in the water he would start crying-- it was the funniest thing! Eventually he got used to it, but it still wasn't his favorite, which is surprising since he LOVES his bath! Maybe when the water warms up a bit more he won't be so hesitant to dip his feet in.
Last night we had some good friends offer to take care of Brayden so we could go on a much needed date. It was our first date night since my mom left, and our first date where we weren't EXHAUSTED from having a newborn (BTW: Brayden has slept through the night since last Monday, and 4 of the mornings, including this morning, I had to wake him up!). We were both craving mexican so we hit up a local mexican restaurant, went to JCPenney's for some more Brayden clothes, and topped it off with some Shake's. Penney's had sent us a coupon for $10 off a $10 or more purchase and so I was hoping to find a cute outfit for little B. I hit it up big, finding a white polo and blue searsucker pants outfit that was already marked down 60%, so I got the entire outfit for $5!!!! I was PUMPED! I can't wait to take pics of him in it!!! Here's a pic of of the outfit; isn't it the cutest????

Quick sidenote: Did you know that American Living, a new line at Penney's for kids clothes, is made by Ralph Lauren? Yes, it is the same outfits as any Polo stuff you'll find at Dillards, just without his name and the Polo man on them. They have REALLY cute stuff, and Penney's is always running sales, so if you like that style of clothes you should check it out!