Well, I've about worn myself thin this week. Thought I'd show you a few of the phone pics (I never brought my camera with me when we were doing things, but I now have a phone that has a decent camera on it, so yay for backup!)
Monday Brayden had school. Connor and I brought Toby to get his vaccines and annual check up. I switched vets since our old vet was a huge drive from our new home. Unfortunately Connor screamed the whole time, so I was mortified that the new vet would ask me to leave. ha! Draining to say the least! In the afternoon we were playing in the front yard and the ice cream truck came down our street. It was a lost cause, so even though I was about to make dinner, we made our first ice cream truck purchase of the season.
Tuesday we met up with my friend Jenna and her boys, Brayden and Brody. Our boys are pretty much the same age, so we've tried to get them together so they could play. We went to Chick-Fil-A (ofcourse we went there!). Brayden spilled lemonade under the table, and Connor screamed towards the end of our meal because he wanted to go play. I always feel like we're a circus, but the boys had a blast. It's so sweet watching the two Brayden's playing together.
Wednesday Brayden started big boy swim classes. He's been in swim classes since he was about 7 months old and has always done fabulous. BUT one of us has always been in the pool with him. This time he was by himself with 3 other boys. 3 other three year old boys to be exact. BRAVE teacher if you ask me :) Brayden did SO well, and obeyed the entire time. I may or may not have teared up when I walked out of the swimming pool room and watched has he gleefully entered the pool with the other boys. Kindergarten may be harder than I've thought.
Thursday both boys were in school. I shopped most of the day, hitting up TJ Maxx and a local Flea Market. I'm getting kind of sad about the boys' school year coming to an end. We played at home most of this afternoon, and at one point I put Connor's hair up in a pony tail holder. Poor boy is dealing with some nasty allergies, and the hair poking in his eyes is not helping so I took matters into my own hands. Daddy wasn't that thrilled with the 'do, but what's a momma to do? ;)
Tomorrow we have a fun playdate planned with a bunch of our friends, complete with an Easter egg hunt :) I'll try to take some pictures because I have a feeling it's going to be mad chaos. ha! Have a happy weekend!
Monday Brayden had school. Connor and I brought Toby to get his vaccines and annual check up. I switched vets since our old vet was a huge drive from our new home. Unfortunately Connor screamed the whole time, so I was mortified that the new vet would ask me to leave. ha! Draining to say the least! In the afternoon we were playing in the front yard and the ice cream truck came down our street. It was a lost cause, so even though I was about to make dinner, we made our first ice cream truck purchase of the season.

Tuesday we met up with my friend Jenna and her boys, Brayden and Brody. Our boys are pretty much the same age, so we've tried to get them together so they could play. We went to Chick-Fil-A (ofcourse we went there!). Brayden spilled lemonade under the table, and Connor screamed towards the end of our meal because he wanted to go play. I always feel like we're a circus, but the boys had a blast. It's so sweet watching the two Brayden's playing together.
Wednesday Brayden started big boy swim classes. He's been in swim classes since he was about 7 months old and has always done fabulous. BUT one of us has always been in the pool with him. This time he was by himself with 3 other boys. 3 other three year old boys to be exact. BRAVE teacher if you ask me :) Brayden did SO well, and obeyed the entire time. I may or may not have teared up when I walked out of the swimming pool room and watched has he gleefully entered the pool with the other boys. Kindergarten may be harder than I've thought.

Thursday both boys were in school. I shopped most of the day, hitting up TJ Maxx and a local Flea Market. I'm getting kind of sad about the boys' school year coming to an end. We played at home most of this afternoon, and at one point I put Connor's hair up in a pony tail holder. Poor boy is dealing with some nasty allergies, and the hair poking in his eyes is not helping so I took matters into my own hands. Daddy wasn't that thrilled with the 'do, but what's a momma to do? ;)

Tomorrow we have a fun playdate planned with a bunch of our friends, complete with an Easter egg hunt :) I'll try to take some pictures because I have a feeling it's going to be mad chaos. ha! Have a happy weekend!