Happy Easter! He is risen and alive... that is the best news of all this weekend! We've had a full, busy weekend with our boys, celebrating Jesus. I have loved watching both boys truly grasp the meaning of Easter. Nothing makes a momma heart more happy than hearing her babies speak of Jesus. NOTHING.
Thursday we made Resurrection Rolls. At first the boys were a bit confused about Jesus being a marshmallow. But they went along with it, and I think the premise of the rolls really set in. They also thought they were really yummy :)

Saturday Brayden had his first t-ball meeting. Practice has either been frozen or rained out all week, so he was SO excited to wake up and at least go and meet his teammates. He has looked forward to this for over a year (he's been asking to play since last spring, which is the only reason I signed him up so young). He was SO proud of his new hat (he'll also get a jersey when it gets closer to game time). GO BRAVES!

Saturday night we went to church to avoid the Sunday morning Easter rush. I snapped a few pics of the boys in their outfits before we left. I am one blessed momma!

I was SO excited about their outfits. I found the shorts at the consignment sale I get most of their clothes at- They are matching!!! Such a rare find.

(I love Connor's face in this picture)

If I ask him to make a funny face, it's inevitable that this is what I'll get. He's such a hoot.
Sunday the boys woke up a little late since we were out so late on Saturday. We read the Easter story (from the Jesus Storybook Bible), and they got to check out all of their gifts in their baskets. We had my Uncle Paul, Aunt Kelly and their girls come over for an Easter brunch. After we all ate Sarah, Sophie and Hannah hid Easter eggs while Bethany entertained the boys. Both Brayden and Connor were both all about finding the eggs this year, which was a lot of fun.

Drew led us in the Lord's supper. The boys actually understood what we were doing, which was so sweet.

So excited about all the candy!

Love this picture of Aunt Kelly (affectionately known as "Aunt Telly") and Connor.
We spent most of the afternoon resting, and playing outside (the weather has been beautiful). I enjoyed watching Drew teach Brayden the basics of baseball. I lost track of Connor for about 2 minutes, and rounded the corner of the yard to find him completely stripped and playing in the mud. All a day in the life of a boy mom :)

we tried our hand at egg dying. It actually went pretty well, all things considered

he is such a stinker. Showing me his muscles because he's "SOOOOO STROOOONNNNNG!"

Brayden told me this is his "lion face." ha!

showing off their finished eggs

we're in the process of getting a real tee. In the meantime, we're abusing the Little Tikes.

playing in the mud. Basically a boys dream!
I have a few more thoughts on what inspired me at Blissdom last week, which I hope to hash out on the keyboard later this week. Hope yall have had a blessed Easter!
Thursday we made Resurrection Rolls. At first the boys were a bit confused about Jesus being a marshmallow. But they went along with it, and I think the premise of the rolls really set in. They also thought they were really yummy :)

Saturday Brayden had his first t-ball meeting. Practice has either been frozen or rained out all week, so he was SO excited to wake up and at least go and meet his teammates. He has looked forward to this for over a year (he's been asking to play since last spring, which is the only reason I signed him up so young). He was SO proud of his new hat (he'll also get a jersey when it gets closer to game time). GO BRAVES!

I was SO excited about their outfits. I found the shorts at the consignment sale I get most of their clothes at- They are matching!!! Such a rare find.

(I love Connor's face in this picture)

If I ask him to make a funny face, it's inevitable that this is what I'll get. He's such a hoot.
Sunday the boys woke up a little late since we were out so late on Saturday. We read the Easter story (from the Jesus Storybook Bible), and they got to check out all of their gifts in their baskets. We had my Uncle Paul, Aunt Kelly and their girls come over for an Easter brunch. After we all ate Sarah, Sophie and Hannah hid Easter eggs while Bethany entertained the boys. Both Brayden and Connor were both all about finding the eggs this year, which was a lot of fun.

Drew led us in the Lord's supper. The boys actually understood what we were doing, which was so sweet.

So excited about all the candy!

Love this picture of Aunt Kelly (affectionately known as "Aunt Telly") and Connor.
We spent most of the afternoon resting, and playing outside (the weather has been beautiful). I enjoyed watching Drew teach Brayden the basics of baseball. I lost track of Connor for about 2 minutes, and rounded the corner of the yard to find him completely stripped and playing in the mud. All a day in the life of a boy mom :)

we tried our hand at egg dying. It actually went pretty well, all things considered

he is such a stinker. Showing me his muscles because he's "SOOOOO STROOOONNNNNG!"

Brayden told me this is his "lion face." ha!

showing off their finished eggs

we're in the process of getting a real tee. In the meantime, we're abusing the Little Tikes.

playing in the mud. Basically a boys dream!
I have a few more thoughts on what inspired me at Blissdom last week, which I hope to hash out on the keyboard later this week. Hope yall have had a blessed Easter!