I decided to split my post about our trip to Baton Rouge into pre-wedding and wedding pictures. I just have SO many pictures, and this makes it a bit easier for me to separate my thoughts. And for the record, most of the pics in this post are SOOC (straight out of camera). I realized I just don't have the time right now to edit 200+ pictures, so I decided I'd just post most of them unedited. It's my reality right now :) Enjoy.
Brayden and I headed down to Baton Rouge the Sunday before the wedding. Drew wasn't able to take off much for work, so since I knew I would have to drive down there regardless, I decided I'd at least make my drive worth it by spending a few extra days with my family. Brayden did remarkably well on the way down. We bought a DVD player for the trip-- I HIGHLY recommend a DVD player for anyone traveling with kids. Best money you'll EVER spend. We split the drive up by stopping in Little Rock on Sunday, and then driving the rest of the way on Monday. One thing I can say: I don't plan on traveling much with two children. Haha! Just traveling with Brayden and a dog it adds about 3 hours to the trip, and even though Brayden did well, that's a 12 hour trip that gets LOOOONG for anyone in the car, much less for someone traveling with an infant.
Tuesday B and I went to the outlet mall with my mom. They only live about 20 minutes away from the Tanger outlet and I wanted to check out a couple of the kids stores for some good deals. The only deal I really found was for Brayden; I found cargo shorts for B at Children's Place for $3.99, plus I had a 20% off coupon. So basically I got shorts for next summer for $3! Can't beat that! After we shopped, we headed to Sam's for icee's and pizza (yes, the craving runs in the family!) and then went home for naps. Tuesday afternoon I was able to take some family pictures for my Uncle Paul's family. Uncle Paul actually lives in Arkansas near us, and they've been the ones to help out with Brayden so that Drew and I could travel the past couple of months. I was so excited about doing this shoot-- my Aunt Kelly really wanted pictures in a southern setting, and some family friends that close to my parents live in an old Sugar Mill plantation home. It's nearly 200 years old, and the surroundings make for a GREAT place to take pictures. Here are some of my faves from the shoot:

Brayden came with me, and mom and Laura helped watch him while I shot. This was taken before my Uncle's family got there. B was mesmerized by the pond that was there in the backyard.

Aunt Kelly wanted a couple of shots with her dad in them. I just LOVE how this one turned out... especially the way Aunt Kelly and her dad are looking at each other. THIS is why I love photography :)

My "little" cousins... not so little anymore :( I'm pretty sure Brayden thinks they are all his big sisters. He loves them all SO much and they are SO great with him. So blessed to have family live close by!

It was hard getting a smile out of Sophie... she wasn't that into the whole being a model thing.

Sweet Sarah :)

Bethany. I love this picture because she was laughing, so her smile seems so real to me (unlike a fake posed smile).

This is Hannah. I love how this picture turned out-- the lighting, the background, everything is perfect!

Wednesday was a lazy day for us. We really didn't have a lot going on. Megan didn't really want a true bacellorette party, but Laura and I wanted to do SOMETHING for her, so we took her out for a drink and dessert. We went to this place called BJ's in Baton Rouge and got Pizookies. At first I was skeptical. OMG. If you live or are ever in Baton Rouge, go to BJ's and get one. It's basically like a cookie baked in a mini pizza pan topped with ice cream. I got the white chocolate macadamia nut and it was AHHHHMAZING. And I am not ashamed to say that I ate the whole thing. We had a good time chatting and having sister time.

Mom and I took Brayden to the park in a vain attempt to entertain him (Wednesday was a fussy day for him). Oddly enough, he really didn't want to have anything to do with the park, which is really not like him. Though, I think it had more to do with the fact that there were some school aged boys playing soccer, and he was much more interested in doing that than going down some silly slides :o)

Love, love, love my sisters!
Thursday the day was pretty laid back, but it was rehearsal day so we had to get some stuff ready. Meg and Ben gave Brayden his gift for being the ring bearer. When Meg had asked me what to get him, I immediately told her Hot Wheels. He's really into cars right now, and let me tell you, the gift did not disappoint. We got a babysitter to watch Brayden for the rehearsal and dinner, and headed out to the wedding site and then to Bonefish Grill for some YUMMY food and good toasts. Drew flew in late on Thursday, so it was a LOOONG day.

Opening his gift from Aunt Meg and Uncle Ben

Notice how the dogs are just as intrigued as Brayden.... always in the middle of the action... haha!

Me and Laura at the beginning of rehearsal

The Sibs (Laura, Meg, Me & Jeff)

Megan and our Grandma Laura

Because I promised Laura that we'd put this on the blog... what are sister's for anyway :) Love you Meg! haha!

Just one more day!

Meg and Dad getting instructions on what to do.

Bethany and Hannah came with Uncle Paul to the rehearsal dinner

Getting words of wisdom from Dad

Drew captured this shot after everyone had gone to bed. The guys stayed up... and this is what happens. So lively this bunch of men in our family... LOL.
Friday we all just relaxed and had fun as a family. Friday morning, Drew got to see Brayden's love for the piano in action...

And for everyone thinking he may be the next Mozart or Bach, I wouldn't hold your breath. He was more interested in getting the orchestra to play music so he could dance (my parents have an electronic piano).
Like I said previously, B is really into cars. He's also really into tractors (basically anything with wheels). My dad has a riding lawn mower, and he found it the second day we were there and would constantly point to the garage saying "da dactor?" wanting to take a ride on it. So Friday, when Drew was there, Dad and Drew took Brayden on a ride on "da dactor." I'm pretty sure B thought he had died and gone to heaven. Even after about 30 minutes, he still didn't want to come inside.

I wonder who's having more fun, Poppa D or Brayden???

Friday afternoon was a bit scary. Drew, my mom and I were all in the kitchen and we heard a big crash in the living room. It was B, who was playing on the piano. I got up and immediately sprinted around the corner in the kitchen. Problem was, I was wearing flip flops and there was a large puddle of water on the floor near the sink. As I rounded the corner, I slipped. And fell. Thankfully I softened the blow with my left knee and then right hand, then landed on my belly on the floor. Pretty sure my mom and Drew both had heart attacks. I just laid there thinking "oh my gosh. I just fell on my belly. I'm 34 weeks pregnant. And I am out of town. Are you kidding me?!" After I fell I laid on the couch for two hours doing kick counts and making sure that I didn't start having contractions. Thankfully he kicked great, and I didn't have any more contractions than normal. Thank goodness (although I did find out this week that if you fall and you are as far along as I was that most doctors want you to go to L&D to be monitored for a bit. OOPS.). We wrapped up Friday by celebrating Drew's birthday as a family (a great tradition my family has always had).
Saturday was wedding day. The wedding went off without a hitch, we had LOADS of fun, and Brayden did fabulous. More pics and a post to come on all of that later.
Brayden and I headed down to Baton Rouge the Sunday before the wedding. Drew wasn't able to take off much for work, so since I knew I would have to drive down there regardless, I decided I'd at least make my drive worth it by spending a few extra days with my family. Brayden did remarkably well on the way down. We bought a DVD player for the trip-- I HIGHLY recommend a DVD player for anyone traveling with kids. Best money you'll EVER spend. We split the drive up by stopping in Little Rock on Sunday, and then driving the rest of the way on Monday. One thing I can say: I don't plan on traveling much with two children. Haha! Just traveling with Brayden and a dog it adds about 3 hours to the trip, and even though Brayden did well, that's a 12 hour trip that gets LOOOONG for anyone in the car, much less for someone traveling with an infant.
Tuesday B and I went to the outlet mall with my mom. They only live about 20 minutes away from the Tanger outlet and I wanted to check out a couple of the kids stores for some good deals. The only deal I really found was for Brayden; I found cargo shorts for B at Children's Place for $3.99, plus I had a 20% off coupon. So basically I got shorts for next summer for $3! Can't beat that! After we shopped, we headed to Sam's for icee's and pizza (yes, the craving runs in the family!) and then went home for naps. Tuesday afternoon I was able to take some family pictures for my Uncle Paul's family. Uncle Paul actually lives in Arkansas near us, and they've been the ones to help out with Brayden so that Drew and I could travel the past couple of months. I was so excited about doing this shoot-- my Aunt Kelly really wanted pictures in a southern setting, and some family friends that close to my parents live in an old Sugar Mill plantation home. It's nearly 200 years old, and the surroundings make for a GREAT place to take pictures. Here are some of my faves from the shoot:

Brayden came with me, and mom and Laura helped watch him while I shot. This was taken before my Uncle's family got there. B was mesmerized by the pond that was there in the backyard.

Aunt Kelly wanted a couple of shots with her dad in them. I just LOVE how this one turned out... especially the way Aunt Kelly and her dad are looking at each other. THIS is why I love photography :)

My "little" cousins... not so little anymore :( I'm pretty sure Brayden thinks they are all his big sisters. He loves them all SO much and they are SO great with him. So blessed to have family live close by!

It was hard getting a smile out of Sophie... she wasn't that into the whole being a model thing.

Sweet Sarah :)

Bethany. I love this picture because she was laughing, so her smile seems so real to me (unlike a fake posed smile).

This is Hannah. I love how this picture turned out-- the lighting, the background, everything is perfect!

Wednesday was a lazy day for us. We really didn't have a lot going on. Megan didn't really want a true bacellorette party, but Laura and I wanted to do SOMETHING for her, so we took her out for a drink and dessert. We went to this place called BJ's in Baton Rouge and got Pizookies. At first I was skeptical. OMG. If you live or are ever in Baton Rouge, go to BJ's and get one. It's basically like a cookie baked in a mini pizza pan topped with ice cream. I got the white chocolate macadamia nut and it was AHHHHMAZING. And I am not ashamed to say that I ate the whole thing. We had a good time chatting and having sister time.

Mom and I took Brayden to the park in a vain attempt to entertain him (Wednesday was a fussy day for him). Oddly enough, he really didn't want to have anything to do with the park, which is really not like him. Though, I think it had more to do with the fact that there were some school aged boys playing soccer, and he was much more interested in doing that than going down some silly slides :o)

Love, love, love my sisters!
Thursday the day was pretty laid back, but it was rehearsal day so we had to get some stuff ready. Meg and Ben gave Brayden his gift for being the ring bearer. When Meg had asked me what to get him, I immediately told her Hot Wheels. He's really into cars right now, and let me tell you, the gift did not disappoint. We got a babysitter to watch Brayden for the rehearsal and dinner, and headed out to the wedding site and then to Bonefish Grill for some YUMMY food and good toasts. Drew flew in late on Thursday, so it was a LOOONG day.

Opening his gift from Aunt Meg and Uncle Ben

Notice how the dogs are just as intrigued as Brayden.... always in the middle of the action... haha!

Me and Laura at the beginning of rehearsal

The Sibs (Laura, Meg, Me & Jeff)

Megan and our Grandma Laura

Because I promised Laura that we'd put this on the blog... what are sister's for anyway :) Love you Meg! haha!

Just one more day!

Meg and Dad getting instructions on what to do.

Bethany and Hannah came with Uncle Paul to the rehearsal dinner

Getting words of wisdom from Dad

Drew captured this shot after everyone had gone to bed. The guys stayed up... and this is what happens. So lively this bunch of men in our family... LOL.
Friday we all just relaxed and had fun as a family. Friday morning, Drew got to see Brayden's love for the piano in action...

And for everyone thinking he may be the next Mozart or Bach, I wouldn't hold your breath. He was more interested in getting the orchestra to play music so he could dance (my parents have an electronic piano).
Like I said previously, B is really into cars. He's also really into tractors (basically anything with wheels). My dad has a riding lawn mower, and he found it the second day we were there and would constantly point to the garage saying "da dactor?" wanting to take a ride on it. So Friday, when Drew was there, Dad and Drew took Brayden on a ride on "da dactor." I'm pretty sure B thought he had died and gone to heaven. Even after about 30 minutes, he still didn't want to come inside.

I wonder who's having more fun, Poppa D or Brayden???

Friday afternoon was a bit scary. Drew, my mom and I were all in the kitchen and we heard a big crash in the living room. It was B, who was playing on the piano. I got up and immediately sprinted around the corner in the kitchen. Problem was, I was wearing flip flops and there was a large puddle of water on the floor near the sink. As I rounded the corner, I slipped. And fell. Thankfully I softened the blow with my left knee and then right hand, then landed on my belly on the floor. Pretty sure my mom and Drew both had heart attacks. I just laid there thinking "oh my gosh. I just fell on my belly. I'm 34 weeks pregnant. And I am out of town. Are you kidding me?!" After I fell I laid on the couch for two hours doing kick counts and making sure that I didn't start having contractions. Thankfully he kicked great, and I didn't have any more contractions than normal. Thank goodness (although I did find out this week that if you fall and you are as far along as I was that most doctors want you to go to L&D to be monitored for a bit. OOPS.). We wrapped up Friday by celebrating Drew's birthday as a family (a great tradition my family has always had).
Saturday was wedding day. The wedding went off without a hitch, we had LOADS of fun, and Brayden did fabulous. More pics and a post to come on all of that later.