God has taught Drew and I so much over the past year, mainly reinforcing the never ending fact that He is Sovereign and His plans are so much better than anything we could dream. More than once I had to stop and remind myself that I am not in control of my life; as much as I try to plan, strategize and lay out everything, ultimately it is His time that we are under. I have to be honest, sometimes coming to that realization is REALLY hard, and sometimes my flesh completely bucks against it, but I am most calm and most at peace when I rest in knowing that He will perfect in His time.
I could probably write a book on what I have learned about His sovereignty this year, so I will save it for a rainy day... please ask me if you want the entire story. So with that being said, for those of you not on the facebook news, or who haven't found out in person, I'm pleased to introduce Baby March, due April 23, 2009.