Which leads me to my next point... I just realized I last posted on September 11th. Which means I didn't post for 13 days. Can I just tell you that those 13 days flew by in the equivalent of what felt like 10 minutes to me? You may think I'm exaggerating, but really, I'm not. Life is just FLYING by. I have found myself utterly grateful, exhausted and sad all at one as to this fact. I feel like at no other point in my life have I had so many balls to juggle all at once. And I feel as though I'm doing rather well at it (at the moment), but obviously the ball of blogging has just had to be dropped during some of the moments when I have to literally chose whether to rest or whether to write or whether to spend time throwing the ball with my kids or spend time typing about it (for the record, I'll always chose the first option. I want my boys to remember me being in the moment with them, not just obsessed about recording the moments). With that being said, here's a bit of what we've done during the past two weeks during the "all the balls are in the air and I'm juggling and have to drop blogging" moments :)
shortly after my last post, both Brayden and I came down with the stomach virus at the same time. I'm so very thankful that it happened to be the weekend. So while Drew was juggling the parenting/cooking/cleaning gig, I was holed up in the master bedroom with a sick buddy. It should be noted that when a 5 year old is sick with the stomach virus, it's not nearly as difficult as having a baby sick with it. Brayden was content to sit and watch movies most of the day. This was probably one of the rare moments I was grateful that my kids don't stay babies forever.
Tyler has continued to hone his exceptionally advanced climbing abilities. When he gets a little too high for my comfort (which I should add is considerably higher than most other parents comforts, noted by the fact that other parents tend to get a little nervous once he hits the second rung on the ladder).

climbing also has commenced on the table. So there's that...
and he's FINALLY walking!!! My back is so thankful. He also got a haircut, and now he looks 2 years old, which OBVIOUSLY is not ok with me.
The weather here lately has been FABULOUS, which means that we are basically outdoors at all moments of the day. We have gone through two cases of chalk already. And the fall means bugs are in business again, which makes Brayden's bug-lovin' heart so happy.

We've hit up the Target clearance section, which means bubble fun for everyone. I felt like Oprah that day, giving wands and loads of bubbles to all members of my mighty small boy army as we marched down the aisle (a bubble for you, a wand for you, a bubble gun for you...). I got home and realized I may have gone a little overboard on bubbles. But hey, you only live once. And when at Target, I do believe I somehow morph into a red tag sucker. Hashtag: buy all the red tag things.

of course, bubbles don't last long around here anyway, thanks to a certain toddler who finds it wildly entertaining to both blow bubbles AND dump bubbles out. :)

we've had a few flag football games. Brayden is having a load of fun. Drew ended up getting to help out with coaching, so that's been fun for both of them to experience together.

Brayden's sweet little friend, Paige, came to watch him play one morning. They are the cutest, and I am trying to devise an arranged marriage between these two. So far, I've only gotten as far as Brayden wanting to marry Paige's mom. haha!

last weekend, Drew's dad, came to visit. The boys roped him into reading the bedtime story. (the boys Papaw came the next day, but I never got a chance to take pictures of them with him. They had a ton of fun playing soccer with Papaw!)

and last but not least, good weather means the boys get to have fun in the mud. Which they were so sad about (sarcasm font). :)

(and to be fair to Connor, I do have a lot of cute pictures of Connor in the mud fight too, but they're not exactly blog appropriate, if you know what I mean ;) )
Hope fall is starting off as well for you as it is for our family. As much as I am not looking forward to the cold weather, I could use a little relief from the allergies ;) Here's too a good rest of everyone's week! (and hopefully my next post will be sooner than two weeks!) :)