{ONE} Drew was gone all last week on a business trip and unfortunately was delayed an entire day thanks to all of the drama in Chicago last Friday. On Sunday when he was loading the kids in the van he opened the door and said "WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED IN HERE?" My lone response was "we survived." That pretty much summed up my week last week (which included one of my children putting a rather big piece of cardboard up his nose and casually telling me it was stuck there. Imagine learning that bit of information in 5:30 rush hour traffic.... I'm just thankful that we got said piece of cardboard out AND that I was able to coach my son through the process without getting in a wreck.)
{TWO} Tyler has mastered climbing. To the top of our tree house. He's so proud of himself. I feel like I am so numb because other moms freak out slightly when they see this picture and I'm like "whatever, man." (I do stand closely by though... I don't trust him alone up there). I also thought that I should blare "Climb Every Mountain" from the Sound of Music. That kid will indeed climb every mountain. He is about as determined as they come!
{THREE} I recently downloaded Timehop. Baby Connor makes me into a big puddle. WHY DO THEY HAVE TO GROW SO FAST!!!!???
{FOUR} We're big fans of tubed yogurts for the kids lunches. It's just easier and cleaner than sending it in a bowl. The boys were DELIGHTED to find out I had stocked up enough Go-Gurt to redeem the UPCs for these awesome yogurt sleeves. They're neoprene and keep the yogurt cold in their lunches (we freeze the tubes too). I'm fairly certain that the rebate is still going on, so if you have TMNT fans in your house, you should get these! I've already had two moms at the preschool ask where I go them from... and have I mentioned that they're FREE?!
{FIVE} And finally, we survived a middle of the day tornado warning without daddy this afternoon. It was quite interesting since I didn't even hear the sirens until Drew had called to tell me that I was under a warning. After I strapped the helmets on the older two boys, Connor said "we should take a sad face picture since there's a tormado".
Thankfully, the bad weather brought in a bit of a cold front, so it's finally going to feel like fall (I'll probably regret saying this once the cold weather is here to stay). The unfortunate thing though, is that our football game on Saturday morning is going to feel like we're playing in Antartica. Wish me luck on that one! ;) Hope y'all have a great weekend!
I'm linking up for Five on Friday on A. Liz Adventures.