Today was Brayden's first day of first grade. I'm not a runner by trade, but I imagine that if I was and I had taken it upon myself to run a marathon, the feeling I am currently feeling is what I would feel like post-marathon run. My body aches, my head feels like it's going to explode and I am not sure I'll even muster up the strength to peel myself from the couch to the bed. Transitioning from summer to school may be harder on the parents than the kids afterall!
Brayden had a good day today. He loves his new teacher and has already made several friends (which is not too surprising given that he tends to be a social butterfly). I did well too. No crying, although I did pull into the exit instead of the entrance on accident. Guess I'm just living up to my "bad driver" reputation that my boys give me ;) The saddest occurrence of the day was when I was halfway to school and realized I had left my big camera at home. Drew was following behind me in his truck and talked me out of trying to attempt a u-turn in the van in on coming traffic. Mom emotions run high the first day of school, y'all.
I did happen to snap a few pics of Brayden before we left the house, so I'm thankful my mind was not completely gone this morning. The change from last year to this year is STAGGERING. I sent Drew a text today telling him I felt like we should just go ahead and write our letters for his high school graduation (I'm not dramatic at all).
When I first started snapping pics I asked Brayden why he was smiling funny. He said "because! I need you to see where I lost my tooth!" Ha!
cannot. get. over. how. big. he. is.
Love him so much!
and just stick a fork in me. I about came unglued looking at this comparison. He was still a BABY last year when he went to Kinder and now looks like a full grown boy.
After my realization that we left my camera, I don't think I've ever been more happy to own a smart phone than I was today. We walked Brayden into school (along with every other parent there-- it was like herding cattle through those small hallways!), snapped a few pictures with my phone and said goodbye like we've been doing school drop off for years.
Tyler with a classic photo bomb. Trying to drop off a kid in school is infinitely harder when you have little siblings involved.
all ready to learn!
The remainder of my day consisted of going to a brunch with other moms from the school and then errands with the two littles (which feels like a bit of a vacation after having spent this summer bringing all 3 to the store). This afternoon I was quickly reminded of my dislike for car rider line, especially on the first few weeks of school. I'm thankful Tyler is a bit older this year, so instead of him crying his head off in the van, he spent the time singing alphabet songs and calling the hogs :) Here's to more days spent in the car staring at other parents just as desperate as me to get their kid home so they can talk about their day (or in the boy moms cases... feed the child and get one word responses about the day. ;)) Happy 2015-2016 school year!
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago