And then there are days that are cool and literally smell like fall and tempt me to pull out my jeans and my comfy boots and welcome the colder weather with open arms.

To remind us that the seasons are indeed changing, the pollen count is super high, which has wreaked havoc on all of us despite my best laid plans of essential oils and rigid antihistamine dosages. We are a sniffly bunch, my clan and I and can't decide if we want to bask in the heat of summer a bit more or switch full on into football and sweatshirt season.

we scrambled to the water park for their last day to use the last bit of our passes. We'd held on to them in hopes that Brayden would hit another growth spurt before summer's end and finally reach the coveted 48" height requirement for the big slides. He grew just in the nick of time. I left more exhausted than I had ever left a water park... somehow the stamina I possess at 33 is not the same as I previously held in my teen years during my own water slide glory days. Lord, give me strength to make it through the teen years of water slides and roller coaster adventures with these boys.

Drew and I were given the opportunity to attend the first Hogs game of this season- our first to attend in over 3 years! It was loads of fun despite the near hellish temperatures (wearing eye makeup to a football game is not encouraged when said game is close to 95 degrees. I was a hot mess express by the time the game ended).

I got to spend some rare alone time with Tyler today. He is a spit fire kid, full of personality, and many of my days are spent trying not to pull my hair out as he gets into 29276 things... so alone time with him allows me to really enjoy the phase of life he is in and overlook some of the hardships that come with having a two year old. I can't wait to see how the Lord uses his big personality!
I reflected a lot today on how the seasons of life have changed for me over the past couple of years. I have gone from having mostly all diapered children to only having one (and hopefully on the end of that road soon!), from having all 3 kids at home, to this being the last year to have multiple children with me at home, and from going to feeling like I am drowning in the sea of motherhood to feeling like I have finally gotten to a place where I am comfortable, confident and happy with where I am at. In a lot of ways I feel like the seasons of life ebb and flow just like the seasons of weather. We go back and forth until we are comfortable with where we are at, but each change in seasons brings with it a few uncomfortable things, much like allergies accompany the change of seasons with weather. And just like the change of seasons brings about mixed emotions (I want summer to stay, but then end up begrudging feeling like I am melting at every turn), so the change of seasons in motherhood goes as well. I think I'm in a bit of the allergy season right now-- I feel the change of our lives coming (in mostly good ways), but am not really sure that I'm ready for it. Thankfully the changes are always slow, and so this one will be too. So I'm off to soak in every moment I can of these "little" years. (And if you read my last post, I'll be recording a lot of it too! Gotta capture those sweet little words while they still sound little!).