Sunday, October 20, 2013

Tyler Paul {5 months}.

(his pokey fuzzy hair slays me)

I cannot even believe I am writing this post (albeit a day late and a dollar short). 5 months has passed since we welcomed our sweet baby boy into the world. This is a bitter sweet post for me to write, as Tyler has hit so many milestones in the past month. He's obviously grown just a little, and is on the verge of starvation ;)

::5 month highlights::

- rolls from back to front and front to back
- started solids (so far we've only tried green beans, but he ate them like they were candy, and acted as if he'd eaten real food since the day he came into the world). After his first bite he smiled and said "mmmmmmm". No lie.
- he now fake coughs when he's trying to get someones attention
- he can fully reach out, grab something and bring it to his mouth
- he now wears 12 month clothes for the most part. 12 month tops for sure, and mostly 9-12 month bottoms.
- still wears a size 3 diaper, but this is only because I haven't been to the store and I have a stash of size 3 diapers I'm trying to get through. Otherwise, we'd be in size 4.
- He weighs around 20 pounds. We'll know official stats next week when he has his well check.
- still no teeth, but he is working on them like it's his full time job (read: lots of drool and whining).
- still exclusively breastfed. I pump a lot, so he gets atleast one bottle a day.
- he absolutely ADORES his older brothers. ADORES them.
- naps are still hit or miss. On good days, he takes 3 naps (2 long ones, and one cat nap). On bad days, well... they can be bad. Part of our problem is our busy schedule, which doesn't allow me to have a consistent sleep schedule for Ty. And part of the issues are him not being 6 months old yet, so the 45 minute intruder is NOT our friend. We're also transitioning to crib naps instead of the swing, and I'm sure that plays a role in it too.
- he is trying to pull his knees under himself. I promptly pull them out from under him. Mommy aint got the time or energy to run after THREE boys yet!
- he will sit up by himself for a few minutes at a time (then promptly topples over). He's SO proud of his new skill
- has learned how to give the best slobbery kisses this side of the Mississippi. I love it!
- he has the best facial expressions. My fave is when he cocks his eyebrow when he's "talking"
- he is a pretty laid back baby, and doesn't cry much. Except he HATES his car seat. HATES IT. Car rides right now are pretty awful for all involved.

Sweet baby Tyler,

You are the perfect little completion to our family. We love you so much and are so grateful that God gave you to us!

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