Today marked my 39 week appointment with my doctor. I had braced myself assuming there was no change, so as to not let the drop off be too bad. I am still 2cm dilated and between 50-75% effaced. I asked my doc how big she thought Brayden is and she said he's around 7.5-8 pounds. My biggest fear is him getting stuck in my pelvis-- Lord knows I am not blessed with wide hips. My doc agreed and said we really didn't want to go too far over my due date. I told her I really didn't want to go over my due date at all, and she said she could induce me next week if I wanted. SO.... membranes are swept in hopes to get things started on their own (we are hoping, as is the doc, that he'll arrive this weekend), but if not, we are to report to L&D at 6am on Tuesday. I am very ready to meet our little guy, even though it all seems a bit surreal. I'll keep you posted if anything changes before next Tuesday.