This past weekend was one of most fun by far since having little man, mostly due to the fact that my family (minus Meg) came in town to visit! They showed up Wednesday and left this morning. Drew and I always lay in bed after their visits, exhausted from late night talks and games, but yearning for even a few more minutes with them-- it's such a sweet thing to be close to your family members!
Thursday we enjoyed some time with my mom's brother's family; the girls stayed home and talked and watched Brayden, while the boys went golfing. Friday we all kind of just hung around the house , and Saturday was filled with birthday parties, Wii contests, blacklight bowling & more baby time. My family hadn't seen Brayden since he was born, and this time he's so much more social that it was really fun watching him interact with my family members. Drew and I think he's a bit of a ladies man, since he LOVED talking and hamming it up for my mom and sister. Dad and Jeff got in on the action too though, and both fed Brayden bottles on more than one occasion. Brayden even doused Jeff with a nice round of spit up right before they left-- indoctrinating the youngest into what it's like to have a baby around :)
My goals for the week include completely cleaning the house again, as well as steaming the carpets. My carpets are DISGUSTING, and I feel really gross laying Brayden down on the floor, even if he's on a blanket. We'll see if I am able to get to everything. Oh, and we're on to round 2 of dropping down to 6 feedings; I held off after I realized I was changing his schedule in the middle of my family coming into town, and didn't want to overwhelm him. I'll keep you posted.
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago