![Created a from-scratch oatmeal whole wheat waffle mix today. Just call me Betty. (Betty Crocker that is)](
![First morning to use our new waffle maker... Someone's excited!](
For Christmas, Drew gave me a waffle maker. I have wanted one for, oh, I don't know, YEARS, but have never really had the kitchen space until this home, to own one. Not going to lie-- at first I wasn't so sure that I wanted Drew to have spent so much money on the thing. BUT, I decided to give it a chance and am so glad I did. It has not returned void, and we have enjoyed having fresh, homemade waffles that are preservative free and have a little extra protein added to fill these bottomless little boy tummies that are in our home (once I tweak my recipe to how I want it, I will post it to the blog!).
One of the boys Christmas presents was Mary Poppins (a childhood favorite of mine). Who knew that it wasn't Justin Bieber who set the saggy bottom trends, but rather Dick Van Dyke (or, as MP liked to call him, Burt).
This is terrifying to anyone who is a homeowner, specifically a homeowner who is still in recovery mode from a house flood (if you're not accustomed to that story, you can view it HERE). I had run several loads of wash last week, and happened into the laundry room to change out stuff from the washer to the dryer. I walked in and felt water on my toes and sheer panic ran up my spine. Thankfully our neighbor was home to help me move the washing machine, Drew came home early to ensure nothing was under the baseboards, and all that we have to say for this was a few soaked beach towels. Thank goodness. I'm certain if our new wood floors had been ruined that I would have had a full blown nervous breakdown just thinking of cement floors and construction again.
that is two little boys who are obsessed with all things snow (especially after too many episodes of Frosty the Snowman during Christmas time, and the new family favorite, Frozen). Unfortunately we have record setting lows (and highs-- which is an oxymoron when the "high" is only 8 degrees. Aint nothing high about single digits, y'all.). They did venture out into the snow on the first day, but that was the extent of that. More snow pictures to come, once I can edit everything.
This is what my feet look like in the winter. For years I have struggled with this (with the exception of when I'm pregnant, which kind of makes me want to be pregnant all the time, only that would mean I'd produce more children than Michelle Duggar, and I'm fairly certain that that number of offspring is well beyond the capacity God gave me for young humans both mentally and physically.). During Drew's deployment when we were first married I saw doctor after doctor and no one could really tell me what was wrong. This winter it has come back, which led me to Dr Google (which I was hesitant about, since Dr Google tends to go overboard with symptoms and often leads you to think that you are dying from cancer). I finally think I have a diagnosis. Pernio. You can look it up. It's uncomfortable, and unfortunately there's not a cure for it. Oddly enough, just knowing what is wrong makes me feel a little better. It's also finally given me the kick in the butt to actually wear socks during the winter (I am a flip flop and sandals gal, so wearing shoes in the winter kills me).
![He's in the "I know there's a way to move but I can't figure it out so I will cry every minute of the day because I want you to be just as miserable as me, the non-mobile child" phase. It's at this point I start praying my children learn how to move, and](
That is what it looks like when you are almost 8 months old and know there is a way to move your body but you can't figure out what that way is. For all of our sakes, we're hoping that it clicks soon. Because when baby aint happy, aint nobody happy.
![First tooth! (bottom right).](
This is a new tooth (bottom right), which may be partly to blame for the poor sleep and fussiness that we've experienced lately. Teething is for the birds, and I think Tyler would agree.
![First tooth! (bottom right).](
This is a new tooth (bottom right), which may be partly to blame for the poor sleep and fussiness that we've experienced lately. Teething is for the birds, and I think Tyler would agree.
And that about catches us up for the first week of 2014. Here's to a new year!