14 months (actually 14 months and two days, but who's counting, right?). 14 months of being the youngest little brother. He embraces his role well, smashing down creations, ruining (read: eating) prized artwork that is left within reach, and throwing things at unsuspecting big brothers.
Yep. He's the littlest. And proud of it!
Brayden is so good with him... teaching him things, playing with him, and including him in the fun. I love that they share such a sweet bond even though they are 4 years apart.
Brayden's also good at making him laugh.
he's not walking yet. Honestly, I am PRAYING he learns to walk soon, as my back and joints are letting me know rather well that I carry around a 25+ pound toddler on my hip most of the day. He does practice walking with Brayden and Connor. Here's to hoping it's soon!
you may wonder why I don't have many pictures of Connor with Tyler. And this is why. Connor and Tyler like to nag and pick on each other. There are moments of sweetness, but a lot of the time, one or the other is annoyed by what the other brother is doing. They do love each other, and I am confident that they'll be close once Tyler gets over this young toddler phase.
Ty still LOVES to swing. The higher the better. He's quite the little dare devil.
Speaking of dare devil: a few weeks ago both of my older two were yelling at me to come and look at Tyler. I looked across the yard, and there was Ty, climbing up the ladder to the tree house like he'd done it his whole life. I watched him as he conquered the ladder, danced a bit at the top, and then turned around and went down the slide like he knew exactly what he was doing. Since that time he has continued to enjoy the tree house, and now is trying to figure out how to go up the climbing wall. He's also mastered the ride-on four wheelers, lacking only in strength and dexterity to turn. AND HE'S ONLY FOURTEEN MONTHS OLD!!!! I just laugh, because when Brayden was a young toddler, he had a similar conquering personality, but it wasn't this intense. I guess that's what having two older brothers will do to you.
A lot of people ask me who he looks like in terms of his brothers. I see a little of each of them in him, but I really see a lot more of Brayden. Thought it'd be fun to compare the three at 14 months.
Here's Brayden.
And Connor
I think genetics is so neat to watch how it all plays out in how each boy looks similar, yet distictly unique. I'm so grateful to serve a God who is creative enough to create each of us in our own unique way.
Tyler Paul-- you may resemble one or both of your brothers, but you are definitely your own unique little person. I have loved watching you learn and grow since turning one. You are not worried about letting us know your opinions on things, you love to dance and you love to be with your people. We love you so much and are so grateful for all that you add to our family!
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago