Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Splits & Fireworks.

I had every intention of having this post finished by Monday night, but thanks to my photo hosting site not working very quickly on uploads and the fact that we've actually had two beautiful days in a row, it just didn't happen. I also had intentions of editing pictures, but just decided I was too pooped to do that. So the pics are just so-so. But better than nothing, right?

This weekend marked the first weekend of two that will be spent celebrating 4th of July festivities. It's a weekend that my boys literally look forward to for the entire year, almost more than Christmas.

And that's all because of fireworks.
This is our fourth year to go to the fireworks at the crosses (you can see previous years by clicking here: 2011|2012|2013). It was a hit this year just like previous years. Even Tyler was amazed. Each firework was met with a chubby little finger pointing to the sky and the littlest buddy yellowing "OHHHH!!!!"

We met up with several friends again this year. I love having this tradition with our kids... so fun to watch them grow up each year.
The minute we got there my kids declared they were hungry. I feel like social events stir the stomach more than hunger itself.
Tyler absolutely LOVED climbing into the camping chairs and hanging out. He would play peek-a-boo with the people behind us, and throw in a dancing jig for good measure.
Brayden asked to take a picture of us... and it actually turned out half way decent!
So. Many. Kids.
Right before the fireworks started I looked over and saw my two older two sitting with three of their very best friends. Just like this. Unprompted. My heart melted in a big puddle. These kids have literally grown up together since they were born.

We also spent a good amount of time at our house this weekend, just hanging out as a family unit. Truthfully, that is probably my favorite thing to do on the weekends. Looking ahead to our fall, I can tell you that I will cherish it even more. Schedules with two kids in sports is CRAZY. I told Drew that I felt like I'll be living out of my van all fall. Ha!
Connor asked to take the training wheels off his bike. We always start the kids off in the grass, that way the fall is a bit more cushioned.
the experience was rather a downer for Connor, who ended the bit in tears, slammed the door and said that he hated his bike. He's just a bit dramatic when he's angry/upset (I'm afraid he gets that from me)
Brayden asked me to take pictures of him jumping on the trampoline. I cannot believe how flexible he is! It cracks me up because neither Drew or I are flexible AT ALL.
Connor attempted a toe touch too.
He's got the Michael Jordan tongue going on...
Brayden freaks me out because he attempts to flip.

And in other news, our garden is finally producing a few things! We enjoyed our first meal this week with some of the zuchinni and squash. Brayden informed me, rather angrily, that I was feeding him things that make him throw up. At which point I hid my laughter and realized I have become my mother (she used to make our vegetables, much to our objections when we were younger, and I have vivid memories of me choking down cooked carrots, trying desperately not to throw up).
These are Drew's little experiment this summer (the plants, not Brayden)... root watered bucket tomato plants. They are GINORMOUS. I know nothing about how it works, only that they are about 10 times bigger than our plants that are in the garden plot.

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