Brayden thoroughly enjoyed himself again this year. VBS really is the highlight of his summer, and I'm so grateful we live close to a church that has a great program.
I'm also grateful for friends who will send me pictures of my kiddo having fun. Wonder if his Kindergarten teacher can do this this fall for me? ;)
Connor was still not old enough to go to VBS this year, but he took it all in stride. This was a bit of a surprise to me, as last year was met with mild hysteria when I had to inform him that he wasn't staying. Thankfully one day this week a local church brought VBS to the neighborhood for a day, so Connor was able to have "his very own BBS... that Brayden couldn't come to". Don't worry... we're working on humility ;)
listening to the Bible lesson.
Ty had fun playing cornhole. He kept putting his face right in the hole and saying "OHHHH!" ha!
Ty had fun playing cornhole. He kept putting his face right in the hole and saying "OHHHH!" ha!

Thursday night we had a family night for Brayden's VBS. I was so thankful the rain stalled and cleared out before the event. The boys would have been devastated if it had been canceled. I will tell you though, that standing in line for VBS activities made me realize just how far we need to go before I'll be ready for a theme park. I just can't adequately explain lines and waiting to preschoolers very well, and when both boys wanted to do two different things I realized I was just in a little deeper than I had bargained for ;)
On a completely unrelated note, I was looking through childhood pictures yesterday afternoon for some awkward photos of myself (there are many to chose from, which would be a great explanation as to why I didn't date until college). I also found a few pictures of me at 14 months, which is exactly the age Tyler is at right now. The resemblance is uncanny. So uncanny in fact, that Drew thought one of the pictures WAS Tyler, and didn't believe me at first when I showed him.
Speaking of Ty, his schedule has been so whacked out due to being carted all over to big brothers activities. It's giving me a small taste of this fall, when I'll be carting the boys to soccer and football practice and games all over NWA. It's all a little overwhelming thinking of trying to keep a toddler entertained outside of the house for so many days. You can all pray for my sanity at the soccer/football fields this fall. ;)
We have a hot, HOT weekend ahead of us, that is full to the brim with food, fun and friends. And even though the stifling heat does not rank high in my books, I'm still remembering how awfully cold and snowy it was this past winter, and how I said I would not be negative when it was sweltering this summer. So I'm going to soak it up... hope you are able to do the same!
We have a hot, HOT weekend ahead of us, that is full to the brim with food, fun and friends. And even though the stifling heat does not rank high in my books, I'm still remembering how awfully cold and snowy it was this past winter, and how I said I would not be negative when it was sweltering this summer. So I'm going to soak it up... hope you are able to do the same!