We had a slew of awesome plans planned for LAST weekend, but those were quickly changed when we awoke from nap on Friday afternoon to snow that would not let up. That pretty much dampened all of our weekend plans and forced us to stay home the entire weekend.
plans for Friday were changed from going out with friends to staying home for family movie night.
The plan changes would have been all well and good, but I had promised Brayden that I would get colored hair spray for his Dr Suess day for school that Monday. When Sunday night rolled around and Brayden realized the colored hair wasn't happening, we had some sad moments. Later that evening as I basked in my awesome cloak of mom guilt for failing at the hair thing, my friend recommended food dye in Brayden's normal hair gel. She saved the day, because while the gel didn't leave much of a tint of color on Brayden's hair (his hair was too dark for it to make an impression), seeing the blue IN the gel was all my boy needed to be happy about crazy hair/pj/Dr Seuss day.
Unfortunately the warm weather that the week started with, quickly dissipated and turned into a winter wonder storm of freezing rain, sleet and snow. I think I have made my opinion widely known that one snow per winter is fabulous. After that, especially now that Ihave a kid in school where it actually counts and we have to make up days, more snow than one snow is no bueno. So I kind of sulked about the weather and school cancelations. And on the second day when Brayden tried to literally climb the wall by our mantle like Spiderman, I realized I had met my winter limit. Thankfully I live in a Pinterest world, so I was able to scrounge up a few ideas to occupy the boys.

We had ninja training, which lasted about 10 minutes before the boys decided to repurpose my ninja "lasers" as room decor. They also made "tennis rackets" with paper plates and plastic forks, and used them with balloons for indoor tennis. As you can probably imagine, this worked well until they realized they could dismember the tennis rackets and use the forks as weapons against the balloons.
At that point we decided it would probably be best to escape to Chick Fil A (which now requires us to rob a bank because our boys eat so much. We could probably eat at Outback Steakhouse for what we pay at fast food these days) for some indoor playground time. Needless to say, when we realized the main roads were just slush and would would, in fact, have school on Friday, we were all happy.
We had a pretty busy weekend this weekend. I shopped and worked Rhea Lana (our semi-annual consignment sale here in town where I buy a majority of the boys clothes). It was probably the best sale for me in a while... I was able to get Brayden ALL Ralph Lauren tops in EXCELLENT condition, so I was pretty pumped. Between the shopping and the working and the time change though, I am wiped.
Praying that this snow and cold was the last of the winter and that all we see from here on out are warming temps and longer sun-filled days.