- As I had previously mentioned, this week has been JAM PACKED. Which means that even my Kindergartner was taking naps this week during "rest time." It never failed, wherever he was put during rest hour, he was out cold in about 15 minutes, even on the days he swore he wasn't tired.
- To bookend our flurry, friend-filled week, Brayden and Connor got new haircuts. Drew and I have differing opinions on the boys hair. He'd rather it short like his and I would rather it surfboarder shaggy. For a while they have just stayed straight shaggy because our two beloved hair stylist moved to new salons that cost a lot more, and because after a bad haircut incident with Ty, I decided I wasn't brave enough to just randomly select my big boys hair (and too chicken to do it myself!). I let Drew be a guinea pig at a new salon, he approved and so the boys went. AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN WANT THEIR HAIRCUT (they usually beg to have it shorter). It was a SUPER proud parenting moment for me. So I whipped out pictures of Romeo Beckham's hair and the lady nailed it.
- My birthday was this week, and we didn't celebrate in a huge way on my actual birthday other than going to Sams to pick up a few things (and some cupcakes). Tyler approved of the cupcakes ;)
- Don't feel sad for me about going to Sam's on my birthday. We just pushed the celebration back a few days and went to Ruth's Chris on Saturday :) We had been holding on to a giftcard that our neighbors had gifted us for Christmas, and then took them up on their offer to also watch our kids (yes, our neighbors are real...and really awesome. No you cannot have them. We refuse to let them move- ha!).
- Since I knew that this next week (and really, the entire month of April) are going to be super crazy, we went ahead and dyed eggs on Saturday. It was the first year I haven't felt super stressed with this activity. The boys listened to the Easter story as we stirred the dye, and then each patiently dyed their eggs, waited for them to dry and then applied stickers. The only whining came from Tyler, who decided he'd like to DRINK the dye. YOLO, right? (also, non-sponsored props to PAAS, who made an Easter traditions dye kit this year, complete with stickers of crosses and lambs. It was so nice having things to decorate our eggs with that actually went with the Easter story we've been going through with them at home).

Despite the fact that the calendar is full to the brim, I'm so ready to be back in our routine starting tomorrow. This week has been great for all of us to rest and see friends we normally have a hard time seeing during the school year, but man, the lack of routine about did us all in. Cheers to good weather, Spring and routines for all!