I'm currently sitting in a home that is filled with sunbeams and springtime warmth. As I was chopping up potatoes for our Sunday night dinner, it occurred to me how truly blessed I felt. We went to an incredible church service, ate lunch with some of our best friends, shopped with clothing for kids in need (more on that later), and Tyler and I rested while Drew and the big boys went on a bike outing.
As I was thanking the Lord for the bountiful blessings, I was also convicted of my sour attitude during the past few weeks when the weather was dreary and the cold seemed so overwhelming. My life was awesome and blessed then too, I just wasn't taking the time to look for it. Sometimes perspective can get the best of us, and it certainly did of me. I'm grateful for the Lord's grace during the moments that I realize that I probably could've chosen a different perspective. Grace is such a good and beautiful thing.
A few randoms to blog about, as I don't want to forget them:
Kindergarten lettering is perhaps, one of my very favorite things right now. I love watching Brayden's understanding of our language grow, and with it, come some great pieces of artwork and letters to us. For example, exhibit A. Brayden has never been one to lack in self-confidence. This exhibit shows both his phonetic spelling of the word Awesome, and the appropriate use of an exclamation mark (which he calls an excited mark, and I cannot for the life of me correct him because it simply is the cutest thing).
Connor has been so cute lately, and extremely loveable (during most moments). I've had to cut back his screen time over the past couple of weeks because this kid could sit and watch television for the entire day if I allowed it. On one particular day this week, he came to me and said "I have a vewy vewy good idea. We should cuddle. Even Toby." So we got in bed and snuggled and he fell asleep resting right beside me. It was a precious moment for sure. When he woke up he went outside and realized it was a warm day (close to 70). He ran inside and excitedly exclaimed "MOM! It is THIS MANY WARM OUTSIDE (stretching his arms as wide as they could go). Yes way Jose, we can wear shorts today!!!!" Needless to say, I think he was excited about finally donning a pair of shorts in lieu of jeans that afternoon ;)
I hope your weekend has been a blessed one, and that you've enjoyed the warmth and sunshine. The entrance of spring has always reminded me that the Lord's mercies are new every morning. I hope it's the same for you. Have a great week!
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago