1. All Boys.
Earlier this week as we were leaving the preschool where Brayden does speech, a lady asked me if my baby was also a boy. I said yes, and then chuckled. Then she said "oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I'm sure she meant well, but on the inside I was wanting to yell. I am just SO SO SO tired of people telling me that they are sorry for me having 3 boys. I love being a boy mom, and can't imagine life any other way. Sure, we mirror a small circus when we're out and about, but that's just part of life. So my PSA is this: if you see a family with multiple children of all the same gender, just smile. And instead of telling them that you're sorry, or that their hands are full (trust me, they probably already know that!), tell them they are blessed. Because ultimately, that's the truth.
2. Soccer, Soccer, Soccer
We're in the thick of soccer season. Brayden has really acclimated well to the sport (although he told me the other day that his favorite sport was raquetball-- RANDOM.) Connor and Tyler are good sports about being dragged to all of the practices and games.\
This dude is a STINK-ER. I have to run onto the field multiple times because he wants to play so bad.and this guy just soaks it all in.
3. Awkward.
I was scrolling through some old pictures of me. It is no secret that I put the A in Awkward when I was a child (specifically the pre-teen and teen years. Bless my little heart). Found this picture, and really. No words are needed. Also, why were we posing with a cat in the bathroom?
4. Kari Jobe.
This past Sunday I was able to go to a night of worship with Kari Jobe. It was AMAZING. That girl can not only sing, but she brings people to the feet of Jesus.
5. naps.
I'm trying to convert Tyler to crib naps. It's not going that great, as we wake up around 40 minutes. Thankfully he converts to the swing well, so I'm still able to get him to take a full nap (in the rare moment that we're home long enough for him to do that). I'm holding out hope that he'll take a turn towards good naps at 6 months, but I'm not holding my breath. Especially considering that he's having to take car naps a lot these days :/ Hope everyone has a great weekend!