Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tyler Paul {4 Months}.

Last night we ventured down to Fayetteville for Bikes Blues and BBQ (more on that in another post). As I sat there holding Tyler and watching my two bigger boys chase squirrels on the lawn of Old Main, I wondered to myself how I could have blinked and gone from a college freshman to a 30-something who was married with 3 beautiful boys. Time flies, doesn't it?
As if that moment wasn't indication enough, somehow we've blinked and Tyler is an all out infant now. He's completely lost any semblance if a newborn and is rolling, cooing, laughing, watching us eat food, and adding that joy to our family that we didn't even know was missing but has definitely filled a piece to our family that we couldn't do without.

Tyler started MDO this month. I was a little sad at first, as I've never put one of my babies into "school" this early. But it's turned out to be a good thing for all of us. Tyler seems to enjoy it, and comes home so exhausted that he'll take a 3 hr nap. We've also started back with BSF this month. Ty's teachers told me that he is a happy baby and that he loved when they sang to him.
:: 4 Month Highlights ::
  • he weighs 17-18 pounds according to my super scientific way of weighing myself and then weighing myself holding him ;)
  • he wears mostly 6-9 or 6-12 month clothes. I can still squeeze him into 3-6 month clothes, but it's not that flattering for his butterball figure ;)
  • wears size 3 diapers. I'm thinking about switching him to size 4's at night soon.
  • can roll from tummy to back really well. Working hard on rolling from back to tummy (his chubby arms get in the way). He's also pulling his knees up under himself.... NOOOOOO. Not ready for him to be mobile.
  • coos and talks up a storm. He loves to talk to his brothers, especially Brayden. 
  • starting laughing consistently. We've still not gotten a deep belly laugh, but Brayden can get him to chuckle pretty good.
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  • He's found his toes/feet and LOVES to hold on to them. It's the cutest thing ever. 
  • He's also re-found his thumb. He basically came out of the womb sucking his thumb and I thought that if I fought it hard enough with the paci that I'd win. Well, in the past two weeks I've gone into his room to wake him up and found him chowing down on his thumb like it's the best thing ever. 
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  • He does not like to be alone or feel like he's missing out. If he can see the action, then he's content.
  • Started sitting at the table with us. I won't introduce solids until he's 6 months old, but he has shown interest in wanting to sit with us when we eat so we went ahead and pulled out the high chair.
  • We've had a huge bout of sleep regression. He slept through the night for about 3 weeks. Then he hit a developmental leap and was waking up around 3:30, talking, then crying to eat, and would go back to sleep. Now that it's allergy season and he's got this deep nasal congestion crud that I can't seem to suck out with the aspirator, he is up multiple times in the night. This morning it had me in tears because I am SO sleep deprived.
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  • He's still exclusively breasfed. My initial goal was 6 months, and I'm hopeful that we'll make that goal. He eats about every 3.5 hrs... extending his schedule made some of our breastfeeding issues go away, which means that I probably was trying to feed him too often. Thankful that was an easy fix!
  • He naps atleast 1 good nap a day. Honestly I feel a little bad for him because we are on the go so much that he gets a lot of cat naps in the car. 
  • HATES HATES HATES his car seat. It's a bit of a problem considering the point above (our crazy on the go schedule). I'm hoping that once he moves out of the infant carrier and into a rear facing convertible car seat that things will get better.

A year ago when we found out you were on your way to our family, I never could have imagined how much our family would be completed by your presence. You have given us all more reasons to smile, more laughs to laugh and more hugs and kisses to give. We love you so much Tyler Paul, and are so grateful for all that you add to our family. Happy 4 month birthday little man!

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