We had yet another eventful weekend this weekend. Friday, Drew got home early and we decided to brave the pool with B. I was a bit scared about him burning, but his skin did great and he LOVED the water. The kiddie pool was less than an ideal temperature, which was a bit for B to get used to, but the big kids pool was a lot warmer and so he was kicking around and splashing! We'll be heading to the pool atleast one more time this summer. I LOVE the water and the sun, so we're hoping B develops this same fondness so that next summer we can lounge there ALOT!
Saturday Drew's dad came up for a visit. He was VERY kind and brought us to Wal-Mart for some new pj's for B (B had outgrown his 3-6 month pj's but was still wearing them... LOL) as well as diapers and onesies. SUCH a big help since all of those things add up FAST! Saturday afternoon B and I headed to a friend's pool party. We only sat in the water for few minutes since he was pretty tired from not taking good naps that morning.
Sunday was the most eventful of all, as Drew competed in a local sprint triathlon.

He did REALLY well finishing 2nd in his class and age group. It was a very early and long morning, and was topped off by a trip to Mimi's Cafe. If you like Mimi's, then you should sign up for their e-club-- you get a free breakfast entree upon signing up, and they'll send something to you for your birthday too! Almost our entire party (6 out of the 10 of us that went) had signed up, and so we got over $60 in food for FREE. That's MY kind of deal!!!
Sunday also marked Brayden's 4 month birthday. I can't believe he's already 4 months old!!! It seems like just yesterday we were going to the hospital because I was in labor. Here are some of the things he is doing these days:
-still sleeping through the night. We tried to drop his dreamfeed, but that created less than desireable results (waking up around 5 instead of 7), so we brought it back. We'll probably wean him from it once we start solids at 6 months.
-taking atleast 3 naps a day, 2 of which are about 2 hours.
- "talks" and "sings" ALOT. Sometimes when he wakes up he'll talk to himself for 30 minutes!
-rolling from tummy to back consistently. You can hardly keep him on his tummy. This also creates some problems at nap time because he gets mad if he is on his back during nap time.
-laughing out loud. Mommy jumping and Toby barking seem to be the most hilarious things these days.
-rolling from back to side. He typically holds his toes (new favorites of his these days) and just rolls.
-scoots in his crib.
-can reach out and grab toys from us if we hold them in the air.
-has started protesting during car rides. He just doesn't like the straps on his carseat.
-he's taking more attention to us when we're eating. I can tell he's curious about it, but I don't want to introduce solids until he's 6 months after some research I did. We'll see if I am able to hold out that long :)
We love you little B and are so proud of everything you are learning and becoming! We thank God for the blessing you are in our lives!