When I was pregnant, Drew and I would lay in bed and dream about who Brayden would look like, who he would act like, what his personality would be, what we dreamed he would grow up to be like, and so on. Last Christmas I remember asking Drew about what he thought Mary's thoughts were. Have you ever pondered it? Aside from the social stigma she had to endure from being pregnant out of wedlock, Mary was thrust into a circumstance I am sure none of us would ever want to know how it feels, let alone understand. She bore the Savior of the world, and all that it entailed. She knew, from the moment of conception (based from prophecy)that her son would eventually be murdered. Yes, Jesus rose from the dead, (so His death was not everlasting-- nor is ours if we are believers) but imagine Mary's fleshly instincts. He was her earthly son. I can't imagine what it would be like knowing that Brayden will die a horrible death someday. Just thinking about it makes my heart heavy.That's why this year, I view Christmas a little different. God gave His only son... Mary chose to give her first born son. Looking at Christmas through a parent's eyes makes it even that much more special. It's one thing to say those things, yet another to really ponder what the gift of Jesus TRULY was. Sacrifice at it's truest core. I suppose Faith Hill was spot on when she said "A Baby Changes Everything." Yes, yes it does.
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago