We have had a fun family weekend this weekend. It's getting HOT here in Arkansas, so there's not much more that we really wanted to do but play at the pool.
Saturday we had all taken naps and Drew was still a bit tired, so we switched roles and I took the big boys to our neighbors pool while Drew and Tyler stayed home and slept. I actually liked the change of pace, and was happy to bond with the bigs alone for a little while. Of course, Connor had to go and make me laugh...
he cracks me up.
Sunday we went to church. The boys usually either watch a tv show or play on our tablet while Drew and I get ready. I love that they will sit and play together... they are such great friends and it just melts my heart.
After naps on Sunday we headed back to our neighbors pool (I should note that we have awesome neighbors that let us use their pool A LOT. We are so grateful for the blessing of good neighbors!). I lugged my big girl camera over to snap some pics of the boys in their summer element.
Tyler was all ready for his first big swim. How cute is he in his little swim suit?
he lasted all of the walk over (the pool is just right next door). And then he was out. This is what he did the entire time we swam. Also, I promise I didn't teach him to flip the bird.
Drew cracked me up. He sat in the deep end and took it easy.
And then my bigs. They have my whole heart. I love them so, and love watching them swim. It makes them so happy, and they will do the funniest things in the water.
One of Connor's favorite things to do is to be thrown in the air at the pool. Thank goodness his daddy is strong... he will ask to do this all day long!
this picture made me laugh. I was about to delete it when I was editing pictures, and then I noticed Brayden in the bottom left corner. Hilarious.
Hope yall had a good weekend too! If you need us this week, we'll likely be in the pool more, as the highs are going to be in the mid-90s all week.
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago