Last week the chatter about snow grew louder as we approached the weekend. Seeing how I try to avoid grocery shopping on the weekends, and with the impending snow and Super Bowl excitement, I decided that the torture of shopping with three children outweighed the torture of shopping with a bunch of people freaked out by snow and insistent on stocking up on velveeta and rotel. So off the store(s) we went. All four of us.

Sam's Club with the kids really isn't that bad. There's food involved, which means that tantrums are a minimum, and when my small friends are contained, all is well in the shopping world.
But Walmart (or any other retail establishment for that matter), is a whole different ballgame. After Tyler screamed the entire trip, the bucket of puffs was dumped in the produce section and numerous "we need these" preschooler deemed necessities were thrown in the cart, my blood pressure was at an all time high. Thankfully we all survived, and I was confident my decision to brave the stores alone with my little buddies was a good decision indeed when we got almost 4 inches of snow on Sunday morning.

Since Tyler man doesn't brave the cold all that well, I left him with Drew and the boys and I trudged through the snow to go sledding on a small hill near our home. The snow was still blowing hard, but we made it, although I won't disclose to you how many times I busted. Also, now that I have snow boots my little feet stay nice and warm. But my legs are another matter, as all I have are jeans. Need snow pants ASAP.

Sunday evening God gave us the most glorious sunset. Makes me think of Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

With our high today in the mid-30s, it was a perfect day to layer the boys and send them outside. They are absolutely in love with all things snow, and I think they'd take this weather any day of the week if they had the chance. I don't really mind being snowed in if I know I can send them outside. And to celebrate the cold weather, I made my very first batch of homemade chicken noodle soup in the crockpot. As if that wasn't enough of a feather in my hat, I also tried my hand at a homemade bread recipe. Aside from my sweatpants and no makeup, I felt like I channeled June Cleaver rather well. ;)
And now we're gearing up for the 2nd of what should be 3 or 4 snow storms in one week here. Right now I feel alright, but after day 6, you might want to check in on my sanity. ;)