Saturday we had TWO birthday parties. The first one was for our little friend Sophie. The party was outside, which I was kind of worried about (obviously not TOO worried about it since I totally forgot sunblock-- whoops!) considering we're dealing with record heat here. The boys did really well though, and had a blast playing with friends.

his hair is getting SO shaggy, but I LOVE it and hate to cut it again :(

I cannot tell you how obsessed I am over this picture of him. I could stare at it all day long.

Brayden and Parker playing football together... isn't this the cutest?!

the birthday girl... isn't she so cute?!

Daddy helped him start...

...and he figured out how to finish

the boys playing a game with Grace

Brayden takes the games VERY seriously... haha!

Connor used all his tokens on the carousel. He loved it, especially the little boy in the mirror :)

high fives for the boy in the mirror :)

I love this pic

Chuck E. had the kids come to the front of the store to sing Bingo and catch tickets. Brayden didn't know what to think, and assumed this position for most of the song

Grace before we started singing Happy Birthday...

and then we started singing :)

And I asked for a final pic from Brayden. Crazy kid
Sunday was a typical day for us as far as activities go. We decided to keep the boys up WAY past their bedtime and see the fireworks at the crosses again this year (you can see last year's post here). Brayden always says "the red ones are too loud!" but then LOVES it and doesn't stop talking about it. Connor was mesmerized the entire time, which surprised me considering he's our ultra cautious child and typically gets scared pretty easily. It was super fun time, even despite us not getting home till 10pm. I didn't get to take any pictures of the actual fireworks, since Connor took residence on my lap when they started and wouldn't let me budge an inch the entire time :) Here's a few pics of the boys playing near the creek before it got dark.

Typical Connor showed up when we got there. He had us doubting our decision for a bit

give the boy a rock and a creek and he's good as gold though

Brayden rode his bike most of the time, but he did take a little break to throw rocks with Connor. Gotta love his bike gear
I love that we've started this tradition of seeing fireworks with the boys. They love it!
We're looking forward to a few days off with Daddy this week for the holiday... hope yall have a safe and happy 4th of July!