One of the biggest adjustments we've had to make with Kindergarten is trying to explain to Connor that he still has two more years left at home. I'm selfishly glad for this fact, but to Connor, it's been a devastating blow to his world. I think in his mind, he's as old as Brayden and therefore can do everything Brayden does. Until this point, the fact that they went to the same school was a good enough leveler (not sure if that's a word... but I'm going with it anyway) for Connor.
So when Connor realized Brayden was going to be going to school EVERY day of the week, I started getting the "when can I go to school?" and "when does my school start?" questions. Needless to say, the first day of MDO this week was like Christmas morning for our Connor boy.
He was also very excited to finally use his new big boy "packpack"
His first day was a success. He loved it, and sat right down to start working on writing his name (although, he did look a little confused on why he had to sit and do work instead of play with toys. Sometimes the reality of being in the big boy class doesn't end up being as fun as your dreams ;) ) I'm so excited to watch him grow this year. Pre-K3 was a big learning and growing year for Brayden, and I am sure it will be the same for Connor.
Tyler gets to go to MDO this year again too, and we decided to put him in twice a week. It's really the best for all involved, as I feel like Tyler does well when he's able to get out of the house and experience things outside of the confines of his home life (and not be confined to a car seat while mommy runs errands). His first day went so well (no tears! Yay for the -hopeful- end of separation anxiety!!!) and he had the best demeanor that afternoon. It helps he has the same teachers as last year. I'm praying that being around the other walking babies will give him his final oomph to walk.
Here's to a cleaner house, lunches with friends, volunteer time at school and grocery shopping during the day instead of at night! ;) I think it's safe to say we ALL love MDO!
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago