Last weekend was the first practices for the boys fall sports this year. After weighing all his options, Brayden opted for flag football. Connor really only had one option of soccer, which he heartily decided to play. The downside to all practices was that summer decided to show up last week, which meant that we got to practice in the blazing hot heat. This added a slight unpleasantness to the festivities. I'll be glad when October hits and I can wear a hoodie sweatshirt instead of just wearing a sweat soaked t-shirt. ;)
Connors practice was first, on Friday night. It really wasn't all that much a practice as a kick-start event for the season, but we told Connor it was his practice. He was SO very proud of the fact that everyone was going for HIM. So much of his life to this point has been tagging along as we do things for Brayden, so Connor was sure to point out that we all needed to cheer for him and all needed to sit on the sidelines since it was his "game."
I barely got any pictures of him from the front angle. From the moment he saw the fields, he was running around kicking the ball and playing. I'm so happy for him to finally have his own experience with sports.
it also looks like we might have another soccer player on our hands too... if he ever finally decides to walk ;)
he makes the funniest faces!
Brayden's practice was (thankfully) VERY early in the morning. It took him a little bit to catch on to some of the drills, but by the end of the first practice, he was laughing and having a good time.
And of course, I can't leave out this little fun fact: My mom was here to visit during the boys first practices, which means they had a special cheer leader on the sidelines. They were both so excited to have her here, and we were all sad to say goodbye to her this week. I tried taking a picture of the boys with their Gigi, but this was about as good as I could do.
Hope your fall is kicking off to a good start too!
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago