I realized that never updated any of my readers about my growth ultrasound... it went really well. I was really anxious going into it because I deal with worry, and ofcourse, if they tell you they are checking to see if your baby is growing right (because he's measuring small) ANYONE would worry! Come to find out, the reason he is measuring small with the tape measure is because he is happily resting transverse in utero. This is why I have had the absence of kicks to the rib. The midwife (the practice I go to actually has a midwife on staff that sees people too) who was doing the ultrasound said Brayden is actually measuring a week ahead size wise, but because of the way he's laying, it messes up the tape measure calculations. She actually giggled and said he's SO healthy there's nothing to worry about! What a relief! Ofcourse, the news that he's transverse does come with it's own sets of new worries. The biggest being if he doesn't rotate, or if he rotates to a breech position. They told me that I have until 36 weeks for him to move on his own-- I am 34 weeks to the day and still no movement. At that point they will try to move him manually which I have heard hurts ALOT, and it can also induce labor, which I am not really wanting. SO... we're waiting. Next week at my prenatal is my first cervical check, and I plan on asking the doctor then if we can wait until week 37. I would just feel more comfortable waiting until I knew that if he did come due to the moving, that atleast his lungs will be fully developed. If you think about it, please pray that he moves on his own so we can bypass all of that stuff altogether!
In other news, I had my shower with all of my friends from NWA. My mom and Laura were able to come up last minute for it, so that was so much fun.
My hostesses did such a good job-- the shower was decorated SO cute and I got a lot of stuff I really needed.
I am in the process now of returning all of the duplicates and extras I received from all of my showers... what a nightmare. Well, actually, Walmart is delightful, however Target is less than that. My personal version of pregnancy hell would be the other day as I went through 3 customer service reps trying to return Target stuff-- I was there for 2 freaking hours! The 3rd rep actually knew what she was doing and said I could return the stuff without receipts if I had my gift registry. Well, as luck would have it, the gift registry kiosk were down, so I have to go back. I am praying that the same girl is there next time, otherwise I am in for another waste of my time :(
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago