Friday evening started out lousy. The reason? I sat at redbox to get my Toy Story 3 rental that I had reserved online. I was really excited about it. I sat there for about 15 minutes. I finally called customer service. They "apologized for the inconvenience" and told me they would refund my money. Thanks for the refund, but that doesn't fix the fact that now I can't wait Toy Story 3 and I've wasted 30 minutes of my life and afternoon trying to get a stupid video out of a machine. Brayden was screaming at this point, so I rushed off of the phone with customer service to get back in the car to go and meet Drew at the First Friday Festival. You may recall that we attend First Friday pretty much every month. It's a fun little thing that a local town does; usually not a TON to do (that's free atleast) but it's fun to get out and enjoy the weather and time as a family. November is the last First Friday of the year, and they make it extra special with free pics with Santa and Toyland with all kinds of toys for the kids to play with. Brayden was too young to really enjoy it last year, but this year he was in toyland heaven.

Brayden was making his cheesy face; unfortunately my point and shoot has serious lag time on the shutter, so it looks as though he's closed his eyes for the pic.

playing with the chalk. He likes it, but moreso because he likes to shove the entire chalk stick in his mouth. Which is why we have yet to purchase sidewalk chalk.

Playing with the cars

checkin' out the Toy Story tent. He wasn't quite sure about it all!

"Hey, I thought these guys were in the movie?!?!"

"Woody?!?! You're HERE?!"

Drew was trying to help me get him turned around for a picture. This was the best we got. There were tons of other kids waiting to take pics, and it would have taken us all night to get B to cooperate.

We already have a play lawnmower, but it's about 10 years old (we bought it off craigslist). B loved how this one had a crank and little gas tank!
He had a blast...except, of course, on Santa's lap. That was not met with grins and giggles. Clearly.

We played in toyland until 7:15 and then headed to Sam's club for family dinner and to pick up a few things I had forgotten earlier in the week.
Saturday was our BIG day. Saturday morning I had a shower to go to for my friend Alaina. She's due with baby boy John at the end of December and we could not be happier. It's her third child, and her first boy, so needless to say they are excited to have some blue in their house of pink! I had fun having a few hours of girl time.

I thought this was the neatest gift idea!
Saturday for lunch Drew was able to enjoy a veterans lunch at our church. He was the youngest person there, but enjoyed visiting with other vets, some of them even WWII vets! When he got home we decided to wake up Brayden from his nap and run a few errands before the biggest event of the day-- a birthday party for Brayden's friend Laci.

The birthday girl. Can't believe this sweet little girl is 2!
They had the party at Gymboree and it was a HIT. The last time B attended a party at Gymboree he just sat there, so it wasn't really that entertaining. This time, Brayden was really into all of the stuff to play with, and especially the one part of the party where they were able to hit this big tube with their hands. For some reason he found that part extremely exciting and funny.

pounding on the tube-- his favorite part!

A legitimate smile (and the only edited picture of this post)... I don't catch many of these on camera these days.

Another fave of his-- the trampoline!

And ofcourse, the place he spent the most time at-- the "bababall" goal. This kid has an affection for basketball that I've never seen before. Which is hilarious because it's one of the few sports Drew and I are not very familiar with. I might be calling in my reinforcements to help teach him if that's what he wants to do!

Even the tube was used as a goal!


Unfortunately about 1/2 way through the party my camera's battery died, so I didn't get any pictures of B consuming cupcakes (which he recognizes now and asks for!). We got home right before kickoff for the Hogs, so Drew set up the laptop so we could watch (we don't have cable but thankfully are able to watch the games on ESPN360 on our computer) the game, we whipped up a big batch of chili, and watched the Hogs whoop up on the Gamecocks. It was a good day to say the least!
Sunday we actually woke up a bit early and were on our game (and not because of daylight savings time, which we had been adjusting Brayden for, so he woke up at normal time-- yay Babywise!), so we decided we'd go to church at the 9:30 service instead of the 11am. Apparently everyone else goes the 9:30 service too; holy moly church was crowded, and it took us FOREVER to get out of the parking lot. I like the 11 am service so much better as far as crowds go, but I do have to admit that I enjoyed getting home and not rushing through lunch because Brayden was so tired. I have felt a bit under the weather the past two days with an apparent head cold. Fun stuff considering I am due with Connor in 3 weeks. I am hoping that (a) this clears up quickly and (b) no one else in the house gets it. Otherwise my worst fear of having sickness in the house with a newborn will become my reality. Nice. To make matters worse, Walmart's systems were down and so I was unable to purchase Sudafed today. Considering Claritin and Sudafed is the only things I can take for sinus pressure and drainage, this proved to be a big problem. I am forced to take the Sudafed decongestant that is only 4 hours, which is a pain in the booty. I am getting by, but just hope that I am able to attack my to-do list this week with a passion so everything will be complete by the time I am 38 weeks (that is my goal). We plan on celebrating a productive week on Friday with what will (prosumeably) be our last date before Connor is born. Can't wait for Friday! Hope everyone has a good week!