Mere may have won best sweater, but Candice had her beat on hairbow ;)

Remember little baby Cooper???? He's not so little anymore!

Landon won the best gag gift (which was eventually stollen by David)... a "bottle of Viagra" and a nice... ummmm... pair of underwear :)

this was Rach figuring out that she had won one of the annual gag gifts (that we had brought)...

...but we always sweeten our gifts with a little Sonic :)

Robbie won a nice felt wreath

Justin got a little crazy at the end with his sweater... and then won this book. HILARIOUS.

I know this pic is blurry, but this is Alaina realizing she won the conche.

isn't it BEA-UTIFUL? haha! We also brought this one (we got stuck with them last year), and also sweetened it with some Sonic too :)

Mr. And Mrs. Ugly Sweater 2011

the male finalist in the ugly sweater comp.

Jason went home with the conch (and Sonic giftcard).

the boys played this game that shocks you. Boys are so strange.

And look who decided to hold 3 of the controllers at once.