Monday we received a package from the North Pole (aka Target). Our Elf arrived and I was probably more excited than the boys. Brayden opened him up and we read the book and then named the Elf. B named him Bonner. NO idea where that came from, although it is a combination of Brayden and Connor, so perhaps he was just trying to name him after himself and his brother :) The Elf has been fun, although I'm not seeing a SUPER change in behavior like some people swear by. But that's OK, because I don't want to make his behavior to be solely based on Santa. Brayden has started praying for Santa though, which is SO cute to me. I'll have to do a separate post on the Elf and Santa and how we incorporate those traditions without shifting our focus away from the true meaning of Christmas- Jesus' birth!

Bonner's first resting place...

And then the next day he moved... Brayden runs out of his room in the morning to find him now... so cute!
Tuesday morning we woke up to a dusting of snow. It was a total surprise to us, but it was perfect. It was just enough to walk through it, grab some from the tables and see it, but it didn't impede on life as usual. Earlier this year I grabbed some snow boots for Brayden at the Rhea Lana's sale. He has been obsessed with them since then (around August), and will frequently wear them around the house. So you can imagine B's excitement when he realized there was REAL snow to walk in! he ran and grabbed his boots, I bundled him up, and he headed outside at 6:45 in the morning to enjoy the fluffy white stuff. He walked around for about 15 minutes, running through it, scooping it and throwing it in the air. He got cold and headed inside, so I did what every good mom does and made a cup of hot chocolate. And you know what that kid said? He said he didn't like it!!! What kid doesn't like hot chocolate?!?!? Strange, strange, strange.

Yesterday I went to Sam's Club to get our new tires installed. They told me yesterday to get there early, around 7am. There's no way I could make it that early even if I tried with all of my heart, but we did make it there before 9am. And we were there until 11:40. TWO AND A HALF HOURS FOLKS. Both boys were literally imploding at the seams. I bought an icee. I bought a soft pretzel. We played angry birds on the tablet. And we watched movies in the tv department. Even after all of my creativity of trying to pass the time, both boys were just not having it. Brayden even asked to go home. It was aweful. Which is why, when I got onto the interstate on ramp and hit speeds over 50 mph and my car started VIBRATING, I nearly started crying. The tires weren't balanced correctly, so I had to go BACK to Sam's to get them rebalanced. Thankfully they were kind enough that the second time I went I was rushed to the front of the line. But still. Even after being rushed to the front of the line, I spent from 3pm to 4:20pm at Sam's. All but 2.5 hours of the boys waketime was spent at Sam's. In a buggy. I can assure you they were both thrilled with this setup (please read my sarcasm in that statement). I basically spent my entire day at Sam's club. Nothing against Sam's, but I like to spend my days other than at a retail facility. {sigh}. Such is a mom's life, right? And now, I'm off to clean up my house a bit and then get ready to watch my new favorite show, Revenge.