We had Drew's dad in town on Friday night since he was flying out for his Christmas Vacation on Saturday from our local airport. He treated us to dinner out, and both boys were surprisingly well behaved. After we ate dinner we went to a local house that has lights that sync to music. It's awesome, and if you're local I highly recommend it, even if you don't have kids. Drew's dad, Drew, and me and the boys all sat in the car for close to 30 minutes just watching everything. Brayden LOVED it. Here's a link to the website for the house (I know it seems a little absurd, but seriously, try it!).
Saturday we were woken up by Brayden at 5am. Yall, I seriously cannot wait to get our Tot Clock here. Although, I'm skeptical at this point if ANYTHING will work. We ate a family pancake breakfast and afterward Drew, his dad and Brayden went for a boys trip to Academy Sports while I stayed home to rest with Connor. Later that afternoon after we dropped of Ron at the airport, we headed to Chuck E. Cheese for Brayden's friend John's birthday. Brayden was SO excited, both to see his friends and to be at CEC. We've only been twice before and I swear anytime someone asks him what he wants to do he says he wants to go and play basketball at CEC. Any guesses at what we spent our tokens on at CEC? If you guessed football and basketball, you're correct. We also tried our hand at skeeball, but the boy thinks the skeeballs are meant to be THROWN not rolled, and well, those suckers are heavy and dangerous so we decided to stick with the football and basketball games :)

playing with Grandad

he looks thrilled, wouldn't you say? haha!

waiting patiently for Chuck E. to throw the tickets in the air. I'm not sure he could be any cuter :)

Connor rode with Bob the Builder

the birthday boy himself blowing out all his candles!
Sunday we went to church, and amazingly were able to attend the 9:30am service. Normally we're running late and not composed enough to get out of the door, but a small miracle happened I guess :) The service was PACKED, and Drew and I ended up sitting on the floor. Despite not having a seat, it was a GREAT service and just what my heart needed to hear. Love how God does that! After the boys woke up from their afternoon nap we headed to visit my Uncle Paul and his family. It was great to catch up with my family, and Brayden thoroughly enjoyed time with his cousins and looking for sticks with his Aunt Kelly in the woods. One cute story of the day: My dad found something that has Santa call your phone and says a personalized message to your kids. He had the call to us, so on the way to my Uncle's the phone rang and I told B that I thought it might be Santa calling. His eyes got SO big as he heard "Santa" on the phone, and he heard him say his name, that his house was in Arkansas and that he was going to bring him a surprise for Christmas. Oh my word, I wish I had had a video of it. It was priceless. When we hung up, Brayden said, "Santa called ME!" So sweet! I just LOVE Christmas through the eyes of a child. If you're interested in doing it for your kids, the site is:
I've spent a good portion of Sunday evening organizing closets, going through old clothes and cleaning bathrooms. I guess it's my "winter cleaning" coming out :) We're looking forward to family and friends this week as we celebrate the birth of Christ. So grateful to have such great people to surround us this holiday season. Yall have a great week!