Well, I feel like I may be seeing the light above the cardboard boxes. Atleast in the playroom and kitchen. I knew I needed to clear off those rooms first if I was going to feel like a semi-sane woman. I love, love, love our new house and feel so blessed that God provided a way for us to get a new home. I can't wait to show pictures. It's just perfect for our little family.
Of course, stating that I may be counted as a semi-sane woman might be a bit of a stretch, because in the middle of all of our moving drama, I headed down to Springdale today for the Rhea Lana's presale. I always get the jitters the night before the sale, and last night was no exception. I literally get all giddy like a girl on Christmas Eve waiting for her presents on Christmas morning. It's probably the only place I can shop for my boys and not have serious remorse for the money I spent because I know I actually got good quality clothes at rock bottom prices. I headed down to the sale early to wait in line. My biggest need was for a pair of shoes for Connor. Poor guy was running around in camo crocs, as that was the only pair of actual shoes I had for him since he started walking, and I wasn't about to pay full retail on a pair of shoes he'll most likely outgrow in a few months. So the first stop I made was the shoe section of the sale. I scored on the first bin I looked through, and snagged some uber cute baby Gap shoes for him for $6! I also got some Hush Puppy dress shoes for him for $6 as well, and a pair of crocs (a bigger size, since he'll more than likely outgrow the pair he has before the end of summer) for $4. Next I headed over to Brayden's shoes. I almost felt like jumping up and doing a little jig when I found a pair of Keens for B for $16. I know that sounds like a lot for a pair of used shoes, but these were in great condition and normally retail close to $45. I've wanted a pair for him for a while, but if you know me, you know I'm not about to spend close to $50 for a pair of shoes for my kids.
After hitting up the shoe store (they have the sale sectioned off into 3 stores this year to accommodate the over 80,000 items they have!!!), I went over to the clothes section. I met up with my friend Cari, who has boys the same age as mine. Shopping is so much more fun when you have a friend, and we can always help each other in the process, as it's a bit overwhelming when you first walk in and are faced with 10 racks of clothes to sort through. I found some SUPER cute clothes, and with the exception of a few t-shirts that I got as play clothes, I was able to purchase ALL name brand clothing for my boys. Baby Gap, Gymboree, Ralph Lauren and Old Navy. The deals did not disappoint for sure. I was kind of a slacker on getting pictures today of all of my loot... I guess the unpacking and trying to do the mounds of laundry that have piled up over the past 2 weeks got the best of me. I did, however, snap a pic of my fave finds from today; an outfit for Brayden from Janie and Jack (I got the entire outfit for under $10!!!), the Keen sandals, Connor's baby Gap shoes and a cute pinstriped pair of shorts for Connor from baby Gap (I wish you could see the pinstripes-- they are SO cute!!!).
If you are local, I HIGHLY recommend dropping by the Rhea Lana's sale this week. If you've seen signs around, be sure to note that the location has changed: it's now being held at Ozark Center Pointe Place in Springdale (off of 412 next to Fun City Pizza). It's open to the public starting tomorrow, March 4th, at noon, and running through next Saturday (Friday and Saturday are the half price sale!). Good luck to my fellow bargain shoppers and thank you Rhea Lana's for making it possible for me to dress my boys snazzy for a fraction of the price ;)
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago