If you know me at all, you know I am a type A planner. I have everything on lists, either on paper or in my head. There is a rhyme and reason to most things I do throughout the day. This is how I operate. Unless of course, I am pregnant. Then all planning goes out the window and I just merely survive, especially during the first trimester. So when Drew asked me on Friday what plans I had for the party Saturday and I stared at him with a blank face, he promptly informed me to call up the bounce house rental and go with plan B.
It's a good thing we went with plan B. We simply invited our community group friends from church, our family that lives close by, and our neighbor's grandchildren. The problem with this seemingly "small" party is that it's never ended up small. Nearly everyone was able to come, meaning we had close to 30 kids in our backyard. I'm so thankful the weather was perfect. Connor had an absolute blast. I loved watching him run around the yard interacting with friends, enjoying the food, and stuffing his face with cupcakes (the best part of a birthday party if I do say so myself!). I was a slacker on pictures, but managed to capture a few. Unfortunately my camera was on JPEG, so I hardly edited any of them. I hate editing JPEG images.

this was about half of the people that came. I love that our backyard is large enough to have a party like this and not feel cramped!

Justin was super dad and loaded most of the kids on the trampoline to play "popcorn"

waiting to sing happy birthday... I was SO pleased with how his cake turned out

I didn't really have a theme to Connor's party, but decided to do a Thomas cupcake cake since Connor LOVES Thomas right now. I was SO excited when I picked up the cake. Connor LOVED it!

singing happy birthday. The wind wouldn't let us keep the candle lit. He didn't seem to mind

he DEVOURED his cupcake

I absolutely LOVED watching him open gifts. He was so excited, and he just soaked up every minute of it. He delicately ripped the paper off, and when he could see the present he would say "oh wow!"

opening gifts at a party is always a little chaotic, but it's also so sweet to see friends so excited about giving. Each child at the party was so anxious for Connor to open the gift they brought.

after the party we had our little friend Nicholas stay and play (his grandparents are our neighbors). Brayden and Nicholas have become great little buddies.
Sunday was beautiful, so after naps we headed to Sonic for some happy hour drinks and then landed at a local park.

Brayden was all about this rope wall. He spent much of the evening on this contraption

this is possible the funniest picture ever. He kept asking to do this again and again, but then would scream when he was hanging

B figured out a way to get himself up on this perch, and once he did, he stayed there for about 20 minutes before we left.

proof I was there :) This orange slushy ended up dripping all over me while we were sitting on the bench. Nothing like leaving a park covered in orange drippage down your pants.