High: My family coming into town. It wasn't until last week that we even finalized Thanksgiving plans. That's about how this year has rolled. I was glad to have everyone here though, and loved having a house full of loved ones to enjoy the day with (my Uncle and his family joined us on Thanksgiving day).
Low: Connor coming down with a cough/fever on Tuesday morning, which progressively got worse throughout the week, and was also combined with breaking his two year old molars. Having a sick baby is never fun, especially during Thanksgiving festivities. It was pretty brutal if I am honest, as he didn't really want anything to do with anyone but me. I ended up taking him to the doc on Friday after a scary Thursday night. He had croup and an ear infection. Awesome.
High: Despite the clinginess and whining, I did get some good snuggles with the babe. Snuggles are always good.
Suckers will make even sick children smile while waiting for the doctor.
Low: Finding out one of my very best friends has a very sick baby. Courtney and I have been friends since high school. You can find out more about Ava Jane on Courtney's blog. I would love if y'all would pray for her with me.
High: getting pictures of my sister, her boyfriend Jacob, and Brayden at the Arkansas/LSU game.
Low: getting texts from my sister that said Brayden only made it 1 quarter because it was so cold.
Low: realizing I deleted all of the pictures that my sister sent.
High: The end of the Hogs football season. Normally I wouldn't say that, but this year has just been absolutely heartbreaking and I was ready for a new leaf. Hoping for a better season (and coach) next year.
High: It's officially Christmas time in our home. We spent Saturday with my family at Lowe's picking out our Christmas tree. Considering Connor was in one of his two year old sick moods, it was an epic trip. I love going to pick out the tree with my family, and it was even more fun this year as Brayden totally understood what we were doing and was all about picking out the perfect tree.

he looks so cute in his poofy down jacket

let's not even discuss how old he looks in this picture. I can't get over it

we found the tree! (actually, we ended up taking this one back when we realized they sold smaller ones, but never took a family picture with our actual tree we brought home)

while we were finishing up our tree purchase, my family had a little fun with Santa

Brayden was a big helper and helped Drew carry the tree to the truck.

Meanwhile, Connor was throwing his epic fit. Sometimes you just have to take pictures of moments like this. Gotta keep it real.
Hope everyone has a good week!