(Apparently word on the street is that Google Reader is leaving us this summer. I don't use a reader for the blogs I read, but if you do, and you happen to read my blog with Google Reader, then you might want to consider going ahead and switching now. It looks like the choice around twitter was Bloglovin, so here's the link to my feed through them.) Carry on.....
I have had plenty in my mind to blog about, but not the time to do it. Such is life with two preschoolers, a crazy schedule and a pregnant mind. Here's what we've been up to lately, via phone pictures:

I've started cutting the boys naps back a bit in hopes that it will help nighttime sleep (we've had a couple of mornings where they're up at 5:30am again-- not the most pleasant experience for any involved). I love walking in and watching my babies sleeping. There's nothing more precious.

I often find pictures like this on my phone. Not sure if this is a selfy or if this is big brother trying his hand at photography.

One day I came home from the bringing the boys to school. I won't lie... I relish the quiet house for the few hours that I get it. But seeing things like this when I walk into the kitchen makes me miss them.

Toby got to go on a date with me last week to the vet. He was thrilled about getting out of the house, until he realized where we were going. Bless his heart.

I had to go shopping with the boys earlier this week to return some things. I thought we'd make a date out of it. They had a blast playing on these cars, even though I'm too cheap to pay the $5 that it costs to ride 3 of them.

We've started being more intentional with the boys at night before bedtime. We usually do some sort of educational activity, and then watch a short educational dvd. Getting both of them to snuggle is a rarity, one that Drew relishes.

I took Brayden to Walmart the other day for a little mommy and me date. We picked out cupcakes for his birthday party (we went through the ENTIRE cake book at the Walmart bakery) and then browsed the toy section. He's quickly outgrown his 12" bike, so we tried out some of the bigger bikes. This hotwheels one was his favorite, complete with a shark helmet :) Also, it's weird watching him ride with training wheels... he's never really used them.

Drew and I got to go to the local art museum when Nathan and Jamie were here visiting.