This is by far the roughest picture of myself I've ever posted on my blog (with the exception of my post-labor pictures, but at least then I had a much better reason for looking like a mac truck hitting me!). For whatever reason, I never got around to taking a picture this weekend, and I figured if I didn't take one now, I was just going to miss this week altogether. So now you get to see what I really look like about 60% of the time.Trying to stick with the fact that I always say I keep it real here. :)
How Far Along: 27 weeks, 4 days
Size of baby: 16 inches, 2.5 pounds, about the size of a head of cauliflower
Total Weight Gain/Loss: (as of 2/8/13) 18 pounds (I know it's more!)
Maternity Clothes: All maternity clothes for the most part. Although clearly the clothes I'm wearing in the picture on this post are not maternity. Just t-shirts and sweatpants for me mostly.
Gender: BOY! Tyler Paul.
Movement: Lots and lots. I've also started feeling feet/knees/elbows run across my stomach. Sunday he kept pushing his heel into my stomach, so I'd push back, and then he'd push back against my hand. I love messing with my kids :)
Sleep: I've actually slept fairly well this past week. We adjusted the boys bedtime to 8pm, and although I do miss that extra hour of time without kids running around, our nights seem to go smoother and the kids actually sleep till at least 6:30 in the morning (they were waking up at 5:30/5:45 and getting into TROUBLE), so I think I can attribute me sleeping well to that as well.
Symptoms: Just your basic achy pregnancy symptoms. Nothing abnormal, for which I am grateful.
What I miss: Sleeping on my tummy.
Cravings: anything sweet and/or salty. Our girlscout cookies came in this week :)
Food Aversions: nada. see also, I crave everything bad.
Best Moment this week: Realizing that I'm almost in the 3rd trimester. We're getting so close to meeting our littlest guy! Also, Connor has started refuting the fact that he's the baby, responding with "I not the baby! Baby Tywee the baby!" I am SO grateful that he is starting to take pride in the fact that he's a big brother. I've worried that he would be a hard one to break of the baby phase.
What I am looking forward to: I have my last monthly OB visit. It's bi-weekly and weekly visits from here on out! Of course, with the 28 week visit comes my Rhogam shot (I'm RH negative), so I'm dreading the shot. :/