How Far Along: 28 weeks, 4 days
Size of baby: 17 inches long, 2.9 pounds (about the size of a head of cabbage)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: (as of 3/8/13) 23 pounds. Mercy me.
Maternity Clothes: Of course. Although, I really prefer sweatpants and t-shirts over maternity clothes.
Gender: BOY! Tyler Paul.
Movement: Oh yes. I'm pretty sure I'm not able to conceive a child who doesn't move a lot (and that would be thanks to my husband's genetics. If you know him at all, you know he doesn't sit still for long! :) ). On Friday at my OB appointment, he kept kicking the doppler whenever my doc would try to check his heart rate. :)
Sleep: It's OK. I miss "normal" sleep, but keep trying to tell myself I am just being prepared for those middle of the night feedings that will be here all too soon.
Symptoms: Just typical pregnancy stuff- I ache a lot by the end of the day.
What I miss: I miss my tummy sleeping habits like whoa.
Cravings: Anything sweet. It's bad actually.
Food Aversions: these are all but a distant memory, praise the Lord!
Best Moment this week: I got to hear his heartbeat on Friday, so that was fun. Knowing that I'm starting the countdown of the final trimester is incredible. This pregnancy has flown by so fast. If I stick with my usual timeline of pregnancy, we're only 10-11 weeks away from meeting our sweet little guy!
What I am looking forward to: Just getting another week down :)We also have a lot of fun things planned this spring, which will make this last trimester FLY by. I'm actually a bit nervous it will go too fast and I'll find myself completely unprepared for his arrival and birth.