This past weekend, in addition to Brayden's birthday party, we had our annual crawfish boil with my side of the family. This year we had a special treat with my mom being in town!
the boys were SO excited about the crawfish this year. Last year was their first experience with them and they weren't so sure about it all... this year though, they held back no fear (and the way they smelled after the day of handling crawfish definitely attested to their fearlessness).
Uncle Paul and Drew nailed it this year with seasoning... everything was SO delicious!
Connor LOVED the crawfish, but he settled for pizza a bit more than having to shell his food ;)
me and my momma
Poor Drew. He worked so hard with Uncle Paul that they barely got to sit down until the very end.
pooped from working all day!
The crawfish season is actually going to be longer this year thanks to our extra cold winter, so we're hoping to maybe get one more boil in before summer. Cheers to mudbugs!
Spring Break in Beaver Creek, Colorado
5 years ago