Last year when we visited, Brayden wasn't even sitting up on his own hardly, so it was more for our enjoyment than anything else. This year was a different story. I dressed B up in his Carhartt's and headed out to meet up with Drew on the way there. We arrived around 4:30, which was a perfect time to take pictures. Brayden LOVED being able to run around in the open fields. I was SO thankful for the Carhartt's because he fell down so many times, but the dirt just blended right in with his outfit, so pictures weren't ruined!

We started out in the wagon...

Didn't last long though :)

He LOVED walking around on his own... I wish this picture was crisper. He was on the move so much that most of my pictures are of him either moving or from the back!

"Hey Mom & Dad! Look what I found!"

"Here Dad, I'll share!"

"Do these people seriously think that they can plop me down and I'll just smile?!?"

"I think this one is the one!"

Helping Daddy cut the pumpkin out of the patch

He was so serious about doing it on his own

Looking for some approval from Daddy
After we picked out our pumpkin, we frolicked in the grass maze.

That's my boy, happy when he has anything that resembles a weapon!
It took us a while to get back to the front of the farm... someone was INSISTENT that he be the one to pull the wagon.

No trip to the pumpkin patch is complete without a little drama... he wanted so badly to pull the wagon, but it was so heavy he had a hard time with it. It was just a little frustrating for him. Clearly.
On the way back to the front of the farm, we found a hay tunnel...

When we finally made it to the front, we went on the hayride. Brayden loved it. He loved it so much in fact, that when we got off, he screamed bloody murder.

My fave picture from the day. I know I am biased, but is he not the cutest little farmer you've ever seen? Complete with some straw for his mouth :)

This straw stuff is serious business folks.

Daddy put the straw on his head... not so sure about what to do about that!

He wanted SO badly to drive the tractor.
We were worried that the trauma of the hay ride ending would ruin his barrel ride fun. He was literally screaming at the top of his lungs before the barrel ride started, and I was sure that we had wasted $2. But the minute the tractor started, he was happy again. I was a bit nervous the whole time because it went a little faster than I thought it would, and we weren't able to ride with him, so there was that slight chance he could decided to stand up, jump out and get run over. I tried to keep up, but alas, my pregnant belly has gotten the best of me when it comes to speed, so Drew grabbed the camera and ran behind the barrels snapping pictures. Since it was going so fast, and I didn't have a chance to change my camera settings, a lot of these pictures came out blurry, which is a bummer.

When the barrel ride ended Brayden thankfully got out without fussing too much. We took some more pictures next to the growth chart (such a fun thing-- I don't think they had this last year, but we're sure to snap this every year now!) ,

plopped Brayden down on the big pumpkin (and he wasn't that happy about that!),

purchased the pumpkin we had picked out, and headed home. Drew went back to work to study for his final, and B and I headed to a local Mexican restaurant to watch the rest of the Razorback game (sadly, we lost) and eat dinner.
And that, my friends, was basically our weekend. Hope everyone has a great week!