(Don't forget to link up with Love Letter Linky Up for a chance to win a $30 Visa giftcard! The linky will be open until Tuesday night at 7pm)
While I sit here and type, I almost wish that you could hear my home... we were all sleeping and enjoying a nice Sunday afternoon nap, but Connor had different plans and he is kicking the walls through his crib slats and screaming at the top of his lungs. He's in the throes of teething and has decided that if he must be miserable than he will attempt to take us all down with him. {Lovely.}
Friday we had a little Valentines get together with several of my friends and their kids. Candice was kind enough to open her home to chaos and destruction (aka tons of kids who are high on Valentines cupcakes and candy). Brayden had a blast with all of his friends and enjoyed exchanging valentines cards with everyone. He had so much fun, in fact, that I had to employ the help of my friend Meredith to carry Connor out to the car, as Brayden left kicking and screaming. His departure of most places brings both utter embarrassment and complete exhaustion in a matter of seconds, and makes me question my sanity in leaving the house to begin with. I keep telling myself that we all once were 2 and 3, and did this to all of our parents and our parents lived. Right?

He gets his love of icing from his momma ;)

About as good as we could do for a group shot... pure craziness trying to get all of the kids to look at the camera!
Saturday Drew brought the kids to the gym in the morning so that I could do a few things around the house. It's amazing how much I can accomplish without two little f5 tornadoes following in my path. I picked up the boys before lunch (Drew was studying at this point) and brought them home for what should have been a restful naptime. Unfortunately for me, Connor had slept at the gym so he was not having any part of an afternoon nap, and Brayden bucked the entire system for at least an hour. After our afternoon naptime battles, we packed up and met some very dear friends of ours, The Henrys, for an early dinner at Market Place. I'd love to say we all got to sit and talk the entire time, but Connor decided to make everyone miserable with his teething glory, so most of the time was spent rotating who was going to walk Connor around, and the ones left at the table were left to man the toddler antics of Brayden. Such is life in our home! All things considered Brayden did remarkably well. We left full and blessed, which is all that matters in the grand scheme of things. My Uncle and 3 of his girls came to visit us on Saturday night, so Saturday was chalked up as a day of good fellowship for sure.
Today has been a typical Sunday for us. Church was incredibly encouraging as we listened to an amazing message on marriage. Drew declared the day a day of rest for everyone, including himself, so up until a few minutes ago we've all been enjoying a nice Sunday afternoon nap.

I love these boys so much!
We're bracing for our first winter storm on the season. It shouldn't be too bad hopefully, and may give Brayden another reason to put on his snow boots, which have sat and collected dust most of this winter. Go figure... last winter I was completely unprepared and we had record breaking snow storms. This year I get a sled and snow clothes for my boys and we haven't gotten a lick of snow (aside from a dusting a few months ago). Hope you all have a great week this week!