This entire past week I've been working at the local consignment sale that I shop at, Rhea Lana's. I've bought my boys clothes there since Brayden was born. Honestly, it's the only way we'd be able to afford clothes for them, especially with the brands I get (Gymboree, Gap, Carters, etc). Friday night I shopped for the boys for over 3 hours. I was able to get everything I needed, with the exception of slacks, so I was pleased :) Brayden was SO excited to wake up on Saturday and see all his new clothes. I feel like it's the second Christmas morning at our house, as he goes from outfit to outfit getting excited about every. single. item.

Can we talk about how I didn't get the "wear a black shirt" memo? I look like a green highlighter among black crayons. Of course, fashion has never been my strong point, so I'm not even sure why I'm bothered by this.

sweet boy eating his free ice cream.
I thought it would be fun to get a picture of my boys together while we were there. Clearly I wasn't thinking straight, because this is what (often) happens.

big brother goes in for the balloon sword jab...

Little brother can now retaliate. I've given up. Maybe we'll get a picture of them together when they're 40.
After I left the Farmer's Market I went to work at Rhea Lana's for the rest of the day. I was on my feet almost the entire time (I was there for a little over 9 hours). It was fun, but I came home completely exhausted. I wasn't too exhausted to make a salad from some of my Farmer's Market goods though :) I'll have a bigger post with my Farmer's Market experience soon... too many pics to edit for this post.

Sunday we headed to church, and then in the afternoon I had a shower to go to for my friend Rebekah. It was a sip and see for her and her new little man, Duke. How precious is he?!?!

Rebekah, Duke and big sister, Cilla.
I feel like a big shout out of thanks needs to go to Drew. He handled the boys all by himself for the weekend. #1 dad award right there. Now, I need to take 3 days of rest and to catch up on the housework that has slacked off this past week. I'm off to dust and mop and stuff ;)