Friday I went out for a girls night to dinner and a movie. We saw Step Up, and it was my first 3D movie experience. I can honestly say that my favorite part of the night was not the movie itself (although it was good), but 3 of my best friends dancing (one of whom is 25 weeks pregnant) after the movie was over. The little teeny bopper theater employees had to wait for my friends to stop, and they were total scrooges about it too. Oh well. I had fun laughing. I also laughed at myself in the ridiculously ugly 3D glasses. A bit of some blurry proof:
PS-- Katie and Candice sat in the car with me for over 2 hours after the movie was over. I didn't even get home until 12:30am! Love that I have such great friends who will sit with me and talk about deep stuff.
Saturday Drew and I dropped the boys off at the health club and ran errands together. We actually were early to the store, so we sat in the parking lot and talked for an hour. I know that doesn't seem like much, for for two people who have constant chaos and noise in our life in the form of two little boys, the quiet and the conversation was so good. I love those little moments of quiet, where I am able to be reminded of why I fell in love with Drew.
hanging out at the Farmer's Market with my love (also, please note my baby bangs, which have now grown half way down my face. I quit worrying about them, but gosh. They look terrible.)
We spent the rest of Saturday swimming at our neighbors house. Brayden spent most of that time without floaties on, even jumping off the diving board and swimming to the side all by himself. I wish I had taken some video of him doing his thang... he's growing up so fast!
Today was our last day to serve at church for a while. I was a bit sentimental about it; we've served in the infants for over 5 years. I loved the age that we were doing (infants who were just starting to sit up). But Drew and I really wanted to focus on some classes our church offers, and we decided it was best for our family to not be at church for 3 services-- 2 services already stretches our boys as it is.
We have a slow week this week, which I am glad about. I have a lot of house keeping to catch up on after a whirlwind week last week.